4 ; bracelet

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- omen's pov.

It's currently 11:00 AM, I'm in my room and laying on my bed, I usually don't get up until 1:00 PM unless there's a mission scheduled before 1:00 PM, I shut my eyes and try to fall asleep but shortly disturbed by my door opening,

I ignore it and just assume it's Killjoy breaking into my room again.

"BOO!!" I flinch, That's not Killjoy. I recognize that annoying voice. "Miss me?" Y/N says, I groan in annoyance i realize now that my peaceful days are over.

"Don't be like that Omenn, Breakfast is almost over and you can't skip the most important meal of the day." They pull my covers and open the curtains.

- y/n's pov.

I feel so great that i don't have to disturb Viper that much anymore, Omen is obviously annoyed by me but that makes me want to bother him more,

"I don't eat breakfast." I hear him say, I frown at his response. Does this guy go outside? Probably not.

"Fine then." I huff, "I literally waited for you to wake up so we could have breakfast together, Can i atleast run some tests on you." I roll my eyes playfully,

"This is about deal right?" He says, "Of course, What else would it be for?" I smile at him as he FINALLY gets up, Didn't know he was this stubborn should've picked another agent to mess with,

I take him to Viper's lab, Not everyone has seen her lab, I mean like i did ask for permission to borrow of course, I take Omen in and he observes the room. Huh, Weird.

I let him in the testing room so i can examine him, And as i am his body is.. Weird? He's not human, It's like his life is hanging from a thread, He is aware that i am not able to fix his body or anything but i'm just making it so he doesn't feel the pain,

Of course, Fixing his body is almost impossible, And i'm sure he's aware he will die soon, I'm just making it painless for him all he has to do now is just worry about keeping his body together.

I finish examining him and i hear the
door open. "Sabine!!" I shout, Immediately recognizing that it's her and giving her a hug. "What's up with you? Extra touchy today." I pull away from the hug,

"It's been like days since i had a conversation with you, I'm with Omen right now and examining him" I grin at her. "What for?" She raises an eyebrow as we walk back to Omen,

"Ah..! Well i'm doing an experiment, You know about Omen's condition so like i'm currently trying to make it painless when he uses his powers so he can only worry about keeping himself together." I smile and Viper's eyes widen, "Not a bad idea Y/N, But how will you do that?"

"Well i'm going to focus my healing energy on an item so when he wears it, It automatically heals him. Of course, If that doesn't work radianite is always an option." I say proudly. "I assume you've mastered your healing powers with sage, I'm impressed Y/N, I heard from her that you have incredible talent." She slightly smiles.

"Ahem." Omen interrupts our moment, He turns to Viper "Sabine, I didn't know they're your friend." Viper turns at him "Ah yes, They're my assistant." She says grabbing coffee from the counter. "I actually just came back here since i forgot this." Showing the coffee she's holding

"I'll get going, See you around." She walks off as i wave at her goodbye.

I turn to Omen. "I'm going to make the charm now are you going to stick around?" I give him a warm smile

"I suppose i don't have anything planned for today."


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hellooo i loved this chapter sm just saying okayyy dribk some water stay hydratedbddjdjdjdjd its like 2am rn but like im so obsessed with this fanfic

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