11 ; stress

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— omen's pov.

It's Sunday, I haven't talked to Y/N all day yesterday - Except for that accidental phone call they made yesterday, They left Valorant HQ early and they went back late - With Chamber. It doesn't help that i don't know where they've been or what they did, It's 12:00 PM - And i haven't seen them once, I hear loud noises from Viper's lab time to time, It's obviously them - I don't think i should disturb them, I walk over to Cypher's room - I want to know what happened. I knock and he opens, "I wasn't expecting any visitors - Good afternoon, Omen." He says, "I need information, I know i haven't paid the last one yet but you haven't given me orders yet." I say - It is true though, I don't mind running a few errands,

"Come in." Cypher moves and i walk in - "What do you need to know about?" He asks sitting on a chair infront of his computer, Typing something - "Well, I wanted to know where Y/N and Chamber went yesterday." I say and he turns to me, "Ah, Is that it? Don't worry, This will be for free since it's only simple information." He says playing with one of his tripwires, I'm shocked because that's unusual, He never does that. "They went to meet Mirror Chamber yesterday, Y/N made a deal with Chamber to meet another Mirror Agent in return Chamber will take Y/N out on a date this Sunday. I will not go in full details because this is free information." He says and i nod and turn to leave - "Thank you, Cypher." I say as i leave,

Chamber and Y/N? Dating? No, Y/N would never - This is just a deal, Of course, But why do i feel this way? Maybe i should go check up on them, I've heard several noises from Viper's lab - Glass shattering, Table slamming, Screaming and groans of frustration, Just what happened to them? I knock on Viper's lab and there's a short pause before the door opens, "Yes, Do you need anything?" They open the door, They're wearing a white shirt and brown pants, Their hair is messy and bruise and burn marks are all over their arm, There are dark circles below their eyes and the place is a mess - "Y/N? What happened?" I ask concerned, "Omen, I'm fine." They sigh, It's hard to believe when they look like a mess right now. "May i come inside?" I ask and they let me in and they crumple a piece of paper and toss it at the trashcan but it misses,

I went to go grab it - "Don't touch that." They say and i back away - "Y/N, What's wrong?" I ask them taking off my hood to show how worried i am, "Omen, Leave me alone, This friendship is a deal." They say coldly, What on earth did they see? "Y/N please, I care about you." I say as i put my hand on their shoulder and they slap it away - "Can you not? I'm literally doing all this shit for you - I would appreciate if you could let me focus." They tear apart another sheet of paper - "What?" I say confused and they put a hand over their mouth realizing what they said and i meet their eyes and they immediately turn away,

"Get out, Omen." I blink at their statement, I don't leave, They slam the table angrily - "Don't fucking make me repeat." They shout - "Y/N, Please-" I hold their wrists and force them to turn to me, They're crying. I hold them close and they sob on my chest, I don't know what's going on or why they're like this but i have to be here for them,

I have to.

— y/n's pov.

I'm crying on his chest as he holds me tight, I can't waste any more time but him holding me close like this makes me feel safe, I feel that i'm not alone, I'm grateful that he's here to comfort me, I know now that he genuinely cares about me - I'm happy, I'm happy i don't have to be alone anymore, I feel that i don't need to hide my emotions anymore, I feel that i don't have to act like i know everything. I can't waste any more time, After finding out that my mirror self is responsible for the attacks Valorant is dealing with made me feel pressured, I've been working all night to control my powers and make a proper human vessel, If mirror me could do it so can i, I promised Mirror Omen i'd make sure he doesn't die, But it was harder than i thought. "I'm sorry, Omen." I say my voice shaking he pets me, "It's alright, I'm here." He says, I feel my eyes close - I haven't slept in 2 days, I have more stuff to do but i let my eyes close anyway, I want to stay in this moment forever.

— omen's pov.

Their breathing becomes slower - They're asleep, My eyes lay on a hospital bed, Viper probably uses it to test on humans or something - I pick them up and put them on the bed. I would read their papers but they obviously didn't want me to and i respect that, I turn to leave - There's not that much to do when the problem's been solved, They shouldn't pressure themselves too much - I wish i could help them.

— y/n's pov.

I wake up, I feel really fuzzy - I open my phone to check the time - 6:30 PM, I groan and turn off my phone and shut my eyes, Oh hold on - I have a date with Chamber at 7:00 PM. I immediately get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower - I can't believe i forgot. I put on my favourite black dress (Like i said, Y/N is feminine.) and fix my hair, I look great - So many stuff happened today, I can't believe i lashed out at Omen like that, I'll make it up to him , Omen is a great friend. I message Chamber to come to the lab to pick me up and he knocks at my door, He's dressed like his usual self but without the vest again and no gloves, He's wearing a red tie,

It's alright though since his normal attire is fancy anyways, "Y/N, You looks stunning." He smiles and i play with my thumbs, Nervous - "Thank you, You look great as usual." I smile back he holds out his hand signalling me to put my hand on it, He kisses my hand and i blush - This man's hot?2?2! I walk by him, "Where are we going, Monsieur?" I ask, "You'll see once we get there, Y/N." He smiles, We get into the Rabat, Of course we do - It's the only way out of this place, Brimstone is driving us and he's silent we arrive there quickly, We land and Chamber guides me to a black long car, I don't know what it's called - I'm not into cars but it looks expensive, He lets me in first and when i get inside he follows - "Is this your car?" I ask taking the hair out of my face,

"Yes." He says - "It looks expensive." I say in awe, "That's because it is, Sweetheart." He laughs, He has alot of money - Of course he does, He makes magnificent guns - I should buy one from him, If i had that sort of money - I sigh at the thought, "Chamber, You should let me see how your guns work sometime - You didn't use it at the last mission." I say looking at the window, "Yes, I'd love to show you sometime." He says as the car stops,

"We're here."


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hi guys this is short im pulling another all nighter and will make my next chapters 2k words long since 1k seems kind of too short for me anyways i havebt slept since gesteradaya so like correct me if i have wrong grammar or smth its bc the lack of sleep i have anyways ty pls vote my chapters and pls follow me love u

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