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— y/n's pov.

We arrive at the place and Chamber leaves the car from the other side and opens the car door for me and i get out of the car, The place is huge and i can hear the music from here - It's jazz or something, I don't know what it's called - We go inside and i see a bunch of well dressed people, Of course - Chamber picked a place that's expensive, I wish i was as well-off as these people - Chamber talks to a waiter in french, I don't understand what they're saying but the waiter leads us to our table we sit down. "This place is huge." I say playing with my thumbs under the table - "I only pick the best, Y/N." He smiles and a waiter says something in french and hands us the menu, I obviously don't understand anything - "Don't worry, Mon chéri - I'll pick for you." He says and orders something,

"It better be good." I say and he laughs - "I was worried earlier that you might've not got any sleep, I've heard alot of noises in Viper's lab." He says as the waiter leaves. "Yeah, I found out something big - Let's just say Valorant will be retiring soon." I say half-joking, He raises an eyebrow in confusion - I recently made a big discovery on how my body is connected with mirror me, I'm not sure about the other universe Y/N's though, I'll still have to talk to KAY/O about it since he's from another universe, But now i'm trying to focus on training to make a clone just like mirror me, I'm a hundred percent sure that mirror me made Earth 2, I don't know how or where they came from but they're responsible for all these mirror agents,

They must be crazy powerful, I laugh at that thought - They're only a copy. "Chamber, You seem close with Cypher - Has he seen Omen's face" I ask him and he frowns, I forgot that he's not too fond of Omen, "Sorry, I shouldn't have brought it u-" I say as he interrupts me, "It's alright, Y/N - Yes, Cypher knows everything. Are you going to ask Cypher to see his face?" He says fixing his tie, "Oh, I don't need to - I'm planning on ending Omen's pain." I say and Chamber's confused but he doesn't question it, Obviously not wanting to continue this topic. "I heard you've asked out Viper before." I say changing the topic - "Yes, I have. Let's just say she turned me down.. differently." He says and a man comes up and gives us our food,

It looks SO GOOD, I'm not exaggerating - It looks so good, I don't know what it's called but i honestly don't care - I'm fighting the urge to ear like a pig since i haven't eaten in 2 days, I look at Chamber and wait for him to say something - You know, He might be religious or something, "Bon appétit." He says and i dig in, He's not eating and watches me take my first bite, It tastes exactly how it looks - It's delicious, I smile as i chew - I cough as i realize he's still there, He sighs in relief that i like the food and finally takes a bite, "This is so good." I whisper and he hears, "I told you, I only pick the best." He smiles and i smiles back, "I'm surprised that Valorant even recruited you." I say eating, "How so?" He raises a brow,

"After the Fracture incident, You're the last one i thought they'd recruit - Sorry, I don't mean this in a offensive way." I say putting another spoon in my mouth, "You know about that?" He asks, "Yes, I was involved in the project." I sigh, I only realized it awhile ago - I should've realized sooner, "Even though it was your clone who did it, It makes it weird since you and your mirror self are in touch." I put another spoonful in my mouth. "Ah yes, Well - Almost everyone there don't really trust me." He says and eats, "I trust you, Don't worry." I smile at him - Okay, I was half lying, Chamber is a great guy but i'm pretty sure he only asked me on a date to make me think that he's interested in me and make me confess shit on dinner,

His technique is impressive but i don't fall for these anymore. He smiles at what i said, A genuine smile. We both finish our food and i drink water, "Y/N, Do you not drink wine?" Chamber asks, "Ah, I haven't tried it yet." I say, "Do you want to try?" He asks, I make a short pause before answering, I might really like it and get drunk and accidentally say stuff i'm not supposed to - "I want to." I say, Honestly i don't care i'll try it, It's not like i'll become an alcoholic or something, I find it dumb to be addicted to something - Wine is literally just grape juice but different, Atleast that's what i heard. He hands me a glass and pours wine in i try it and it is so good, I finish it quickly - "Could i have some more?" Another glass wouldn't hurt, Chamber laughs,

(VALORANT) watch them run. • Omen x Reader Where stories live. Discover now