8 ; ascent

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note: hello queers omg i literally opened wattpad and people are voting my chapters ily all sm pls keep voting and pls follow me love u babes

— y/n's pov.

The Rabat lands on the ground and we're given devices so we can communicate with eachother, Obviously one of Killjoy's inventions. Chamber, Viper, Omen, Reyna and i get off the Rabat, Sage and Brimstone will guide us with their Walkie-Talkies, Usually they bring Sage along but apparently there's no need cause i'm a healer, I frown at that thought - I don't wanna be seen as a healer,

"Alright, Reyna's with Y/N on B site, Viper use your wall on mid, Omen's with Chamber on A site." I hear the voice coming from the Walkie-Talkie, It's Brimstone's voice grab a gun and walk with Reyna to A site, I've heard she's like really good at killing people, That's probably why they assigned me to her - It literally doesn't make sense why they'd pair a healer with someone who can heal themselves anyways, I have to do well this will determine my role.

— omen's pov.

Y/N's not my partner.

I sigh as i watch Chamber set up his 'Rendezvous' also known as the stuff he uses to teleport and puts the alarming bot on mid, Once he's done he walks up to me "Omen, I know you don't like me but please try to pretend you do just for the sake of the mission." He laughs. I don't like him, I really don't. He touches me on the shoulder - "Do you like Y/N?" I flinch at his question. "What do you care?" I say pushing his hand of my shoulder, He's obviously going to use this against me,

"That's not a no." He says with a smirk and i groan in annoyance, The urge to let go of myself right now and die. Chamber goes mid and uses his large sniper, There's noone there - I hear footsteps and smoke mid and the entrance of A site. "Enemy A." I talk into the Walkie-Talkie.

— y/n's pov.

Omen. I hear him from the device, I look at Reyna and she nods, I run to A site, "I'll be there, I just have to get rid of Jett." I hear Reyna say from the Walkie-Talkie, I run to A Rafters and meet Omen and Chamber, Chamber's been shot at the chest a few times. "Are you alright?" I heal him with my powers and he sighs - "I'm alright, Mon chéri." He smiles at me and i smile back, Omen groans and shoots the clone Sage with a Sheriff, He's really odd today. "Sage down." He says into the device, Suddenly i hear the sound of spike planting, We can't see anyone due to Omen's smokes, Omen teleports somewhere,

The smokes clear and i enter the site and my eyes meet with Cypher, I shoot him in the head and he dies. "Bravo." He claps right behind me i turn to see Reyna behind Chamber holding a gun, I pull my gun out and point at Chamber's head - Alarmed he teleports away and Mirror Reyna's infront of me and i shoot her dead and i sigh. "Cypher and Reyna's down." I talk into the Walkie-Talkie. I turn to see Reyna and Viper at the entrance i wave at them. "Hey, Any idea how to defuse this?" I ask smiling and i hear Chamber behind me,

"You almost shot me." He says frowning - "My apologies, Monsieur." I say mockingly and he laughs amused. "Relieved that your first mission went well?" He asks his hand on my shoulder - "More than relieved actually." I sigh i scratch my head in frustration and i see Omen at the corner of my eye and wave at him and he walks up to me. Oh wait, I forgot i hugged him last time this is going to be awkward - Not like i can tell him to go away now, Viper and Reyna's done defusing the spike and we head back and i'm walking with Viper, I haven't talked to her in so long,

(VALORANT) watch them run. • Omen x Reader Where stories live. Discover now