13 ; vessel

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- y/n's pov.

I wake up, My head's dizzy - This is why i don't like sleeping, I look around and find that i'm in Omen's room, That's right - I went on a date with Chamber and went back here, My eyes lay on the bottle of wine and i fall out of my bed, Omen rushes to the room startled by the noise, He doesn't have a hood on - "Y/N, You alright?" He asks as he holds out his hand, "Did you do something to me last night?" I ask and he frowns - "Y/N, I think you may have forgotten that i don't have a body." He sighs, "So like, You're naked?" I laugh and he scoffs at my joke, I take his hand and get up - "Thanks for letting me stay the night, I have alot of stuff to do - So i'll get going now." I say wiping the dust off my outfit,

"Already?" He asks, Upset - "Aww, Miss me?" I say ruffling his hair teasing him and he flushes, "Just remember to rest and don't skip your meals - Let me know if i could help with anything." He mumbles and i smile, He cares, "Alright, I'll get going now." I say as i leave, I haven't been spending time with Omen these days - I will make it to him after this project, I haven't told anyone about how mirror me is responsible for all this mess and how i'm connected to them, These people would kill me instantly just to make this stop - I don't blame them, I would too, I will tell them eventually - I can't die yet. I head over to my room and take a shower - I need to look presentable when i meet Yoru, I finish my shower and head out,

If you're wondering how i'm going to transfer Omen's soul to the clone i'm going to make - I'm going to make a deal with Reyna, That'll be later on, I knock on Yoru's door and he opens, I've seen him around - We haven't talked before, "Hey, Could i ask you a favour?" I say straight-forward, Usually i would offer him something but that'll be when he turns me down which i don't think he will, "Yeah?" He says, "Can you teach me to make one of your Decoys?" He raises an eyebrow and sighs, "Fine." He says and i smile - That was SO easy, He lets me in, We spend an hour or so practicing - I find out it's not that hard, It only took me an hour - It took me 2 days to figure it out on my own and i never really figured it out and it actually just took an hour, I wasn't used to it since i'm a healer - I made a Yoru decoy for practice and it just stood there,

Yoru said i could control it with my mind and i made it walk around and shit, He seemed impressed - Probably because it took him long to master it, I thank him and leave - I let him know if he needs anything he can come to me, Knowing damn well he doesn't need anything. I sigh, Torture is almost over - All i need is to make a long lasting clone, I'll have to figure it out myself since not even Yoru is powerful enough to make one - If clone me can do it then i can aswell, I walk into Viper's lab and i spot Viper, "Oh, Hey!" I smile at her, "Hey." She says turning to me, Taking off her gloves - "Do you need anything?" I ask, "Ah, No." She says and i walk past her and walk towards the testing room, "You've spent your time in this lab more than i do these days, What're you working on?" She stops me,

"Do you really want to know?" I sigh - I think i should tell her about mirror me being responsible of this chaos and how our bodies are connected, Surely she won't kill me, We're friends, Right? "I'm working on ending Omen's pain." I say and get inside the testing room and Viper follows, "Didn't you already? I mean you made that bracelet." Viper asks confused, "Ah yeah, I'm trying to make him human again." I say, "What?" Viper blinks, "Yeah, I can do that." I laugh as i turn to her shocked face, "How- What? Y/N?" She says, "I can make clones, Just like Yoru - Except i can make it last forever and make it have a conscious, I can make a copy of you - Except it's only how i see you or what i know about you. I'm not making a cheap copy of Omen, I'm transferring his soul into one of my clones so it's precise." I say,

"Aren't you a pure healer?" Viper asks, "I am more than just a healer, Viper. My mirror self even managed to make another earth and start whatever's happening right now." I say and Viper's shocked, "Excuse me?" She says and i sigh, "Yes, Mirror me started it all - I only found out recently, They make the clones, They rule Earth 2 - And i only recently found out that their body is connected to mine - Hurt me, And you hurt them." I say - The secret's out the bag, Viper is shocked she puts her arms on my shoulders and slams me on the wall, "Who else did you tell, Y/N." She says gripping my shoulders harder, "I haven't told anyone else, I told you because i trust you won't kill me." I sigh and her eyes widen and she lets go of me,

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