1 ; invitation

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- y/n's pov.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm, It's exactly at 5:00 AM, As usual.

I get up from my bed and get dressed, I check my phone to let Sabine that i'm on the way to her laboratory, She replies almost immediately that she has something to talk about

Odd, Hopefully she wont fire me, I'lm pretty sure i've been doing great at this job otherwise she wouldn't keep me as her assistant for a year, I'm pretty sure me and Sabine are close friends,

Most of the people i know are scared of her, Not me of course!! She's really easy to get along with and i'm pretty sure she's fond with me but like she definitely doesn't completely trust me,

If she did she would've told me her secrets, I mean she does tell me her secrets sometimes but they're secrets that are like "I hug a plush to sleep", Yeah something like that it's nothing like "I killed a man" or some shit but like,

Considering Sabine i think she has,
I mean like i heard she used to heal people, She doesn't do that anymore for some reason, She obviously had an accident trying to heal someone, I mean why else would she stop? I mean it's her fault for testing on humans anyway,

I arrive at Sabine's Lab, I type the password on the screen near the door, It opens and i see Sabine examining one of her 'Poison Orbs', It's impressive how she made poison smoke thingys on battle

"Hey!!" I greet the green-eyed woman with a warm smile,

Her eyes widen and she turns her head to me "Ah, Y/N you're here, Right on time." She puts down her Poison orb at the counter,

I walk towards her, "Hey!! Had your breakfast yet?" I grin at her.

"Of course i didn't, You ask this everyday." She rolls her eyes,

"Soo.. What was with your message? Do you need anything?" I say as i put my hand on the counter,

"Yes..! Actually i was hoping to ask you if you'd like go with me to Valorant HQ." She says taking off her gloves,

My eyes widen at her question, I know about Earth 2 and stuff but it's unusual for her to bring me to the Valorant HQ. "You can say no." I turn at her statement,

"Oh..! No, I want to go! It's just so sudden are you moving there is that why you want me to come along?" I say, "Yes, Actually i'd like you to move in to the Valorant HQ, And join us. You in?" She says,

"I'm in." My shoulders tense up, I mean i really have nothing to do, I live to serve Viper, Well i'm not saying i worship her as a god or anything it's just she's my only friend, Probably my bestfriend, You know?

- viper's pov.

"Y/N." I say, I raise an eyebrow. Ah, They're zoning out, I put my hand on her shoulder. "You should pack your things, We're going there later today." I say.

Their eyes widen. "Today? Right now?" They blink. "Yes, Right now." I sigh, They walk out of the door and wave at me goodbye. "Oh, Y/N!" I say remembering something, They turn at me. "Please get me coffee." I smile at them and they smile back.

I sigh as i dial Brimstone to let him know they agreed.

"Hey Liam."


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helloo hii i made this at like 4am HRP the cover took like an hour hope u like it winks this chapter is short but like the real stuff starts next fhapter so like ya!!! enjoy

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