27 ; i love you

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( the day. )

- y/n's pov.

Yesterday me and Omen went out for a picnic, I went home safe - He did aswell. I spent the rest of my time baking in my room, Of course - Omen was there just to check on me,

I baked for the people in Valorant, Well - The people i've interacted with, Well i've baked cookies for them - I mean i did get them those plushies from when i went to the mall but like i thought it'd be nice if i gave them cookies,

I wake up at 6:00 AM, Well i had to wake up early since it's my last day - Well, Viper didn't specify a time when we'd do the thing,

I get up my bed, Brush my teeth, Take a shower - The usual morning routine, Once i'm done dressing up i open my phone, Giving Viper a call - She doesn't pick-up, I sigh. She's probably in her lab,

I get up and head my way to her lab, Surprisingly most people are awake earlier today - Actually, They might've always been up this early, I just didn't notice since i've been waking up late,

I fixed my sleeping schedule though!! I don't think i fixed it at the right time though but atleast i fixed it?

I arrive at the lab, I input the password and nobody's there, I frown. Great, Now i have to walk all the way to her room - If she's not there i'm checking Brimstones office,

This place is as big as ever, My legs feel numb as i arrive to Viper's room - I knock, No response. It's impossible for her to still be asleep at this hour, She doesn't like sleeping in for some reason,

I walk around for a bit, I don't think i explored this part of Valorant that much - Usually people who have a bigger part in Valorant are often seen here,

I walk around for a bit and i pass the meeting room - I hear a bunch of talking, They're having a meeting, I hear my name and of course out of curiosity i open the door,

I spot Brimstone, Sage, KAY/O, Killjoy, And Viper - Their eyes lay on me, "Y/N, You weren't called to this meeting." Sage says and i frown, Leaning on the door frame,

"Yet i heard my name, This meeting is about me - Correct?" I sigh and Viper frowns at me - "Yes, Actually - We were hoping you wouldn't be here." She says and i raise an eyebrow,

"Today's the day, Why am i not invited to this meeting which is about me?" I ask crossing my arms - "There's someone we weren't hoping to let you meet." Sage sighs and turns to Brimstone as he gives her a light nod,

?? What? Who?? My eyes lay on a hand on Brimstone's shoulder - I spot someone behind him, A man in a suit and tie - With a vest, Brown gloves, A watch, Golden tattoos around his arms,

Don't tell me.

My eyes meet his hazel eyes behind his light-tinted glasses, A smirk is planted on his face - My heart drops,

It is him.

It's suddenly harder to breathe, My legs feel weak - I have to be hallucinating, I've had hallucinations of him before, I've had nightmares ever since that day,

That day i killed him with the gun i had in hand, Replaying in my mind ever since - I thought it started to go away but just one glance at him again all the memories come flooding back,

(VALORANT) watch them run. • Omen x Reader Where stories live. Discover now