24 ; fever

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—y/n's pov.

My head hurts, It's 12:00 PM in the afternoon - My head hurts, It's so cold and hot at the same time, I feel so weak.

Oh my god, I have a fever.

I sigh, Of course i have a fever - I literally ran in the rain, I groan in annoyance - I wanted to go out today.

I sigh and try to sit up, I feel really weak - I grab my phone and call Omen, I felt like i needed to tell him for some reason,

I press call and he picks up almost immediately, "Y/N?" He asks, "Hey." I say in a tired morning voice, "Did you just wake up?" He asks,

"Yeah, I think i have a fever - I'll be staying in my room all day, Just letting you know." I say and sigh - "Alright, I hope you feel better soon." He says in a soft tone and i feel myself smile,

"Thank you." I snicker and hang up, I lay down again and put my phone on my chest, I'm so tired, I feel so weak,

I'm not hungry.

I reach for my earphones and plug them in my phone, I put them on and open spotify to play my playlist, I shut my eyes and listen to the music,

I wanted to go out again even though we just went out yesterday, I know i'm dying soon so i want to make the most of my days,

I want to live like there's no tomorrow, Literally. I want to do the things i've never done, I've spent my time studying, Helping people when i've never even helped myself,

I'm fine with me passing away, I never really had a purpose in life - Everyone will disappear at one point, Everyone has their own problems, My problems are only small,

There are other people in the world who faced worse and need more help than me, The tears i've shed won't matter when the whole population is gone,

I complain about the old me, The old me who worked so hard to please people and could never say now - But no matter how much i complain it won't hide the fact that i'm still that person inside,

I still do it, I still do stuff that i don't like doing in order to make people like me or for a simple praise or thank you,

I don't know why i do it, I don't even want to - It's like i can't help it, I don't even like what i recieve after, It's weird.

I feel that my life doesn't matter and genuinely feel that this world is pointless, I never liked my power to create - I never wanted to create anything,

I never wanted to heal or aid others that's why i tried so hard to find stuff i could use to take advantage of others, I liked being in power and i now understand why my clone did what i did,

On first light, I was thinking of myself, And during first light i had a very violent mindset - I wanted to take even though i never did. Because i was thinking of myself during that time,

My powers made a clone of me, The clone i wanted to be, The real me. Of course, That's not me anymore - I don't want power as much as i did back then,

(VALORANT) watch them run. • Omen x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin