Chapter 17: Courage

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Last night I had been overthinking about standing up to Phoenix. I was tired of her shit, I was tired of her taunting me and expecting me not to react, I was tired of her flirting with my husband for no apparent reason. I opened my eyes startled. The sudden motion must've caused Rooster to wake up because he turned over,
"Honey! Are you alright?" He looked straight into my eyes.
"Yes thank you, do you think I should stand up to Phoenix today?"
"Yes! I hate her so much, she's such a bitch, I'm coming with you though baby because I need to be there for you" he smiled holding my hand
"Thank you sweetie, I'm going to get a shower anyway."
I picked up my towel and headed to the bathroom but I turned around and saw shirtless Rooster following me
"What are you doing?"
"Getting a shower with you!" He laughed.

At the beach, I waved off Rooster
"Hon, I'm going to play volleyball with hangman, if I see anything happen between you and Phoenix I'm coming straight over" he smiled softly, the sort of smile that could wrap you round his finger but also the sort of smile that anyone could fall for. I kissed him and he held my waist.
As he walked off, I suddenly got a surge of confidence. Knowing my husband was there for me in this gave me such courage, I saw phoenix sat alone on her phone. I ran over sitting beside her.
"Ah Bradshaw" she laughed
"Finally acknowledged that I'm married to Bradley?"
She rolled her eyes.
"Look what the hell do you want?"
"Why do you always pick on me, out of everyone?"
"It's not personal so just don't take it that way" Phoenix looked at me "I'm sorry it's just I miss Rooster."
"It's okay but you need to accept that he's my husband, right?"
"Okay thank you, goodbye."
I took that as a more polite way of saying 'okay fuck off' but I mean she has got better.

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