Chapter 20: What?!

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The week after my father's death I received the will. I sat on my bed and read it. Suddenly I came across something, it said
'half of my money to Amy Mitchell and half to Joseph Braun' my jaw immediately dropped, did I have a brother, I mean it says that it's my brother right next to it? I ran over to my phone and dialed Alissa's number
"Hey sweetie" she said talking through the phone
"Hey Alissa, I'm just wondering, did I have a brother?"
"How do you not know about Joseph? Oh no.."
"Alissa what's wrong?" A shock sent through my bones, he was real and I did have a brother.
"Pete didn't tell you, but you have a brother, half actually. Your mother married a German man before she met your dad, when they divorced he won custody, I guess your dad didn't tell you about Joseph."
I hung up the phone and sat down, I had to process what she just said.

After I had let Rooster know, he sat beside me on the bed and we talked wondering what to do.
"Love, I will do whatever you want, it is your brother"  He held my hand, I held his back.
"I think I should go and find him, your mom might have some information,"
"Do you want me to come with you-"
"Yes" I cut him off, he just smiled, I know that he wanted to help me through this and of course i couldn't deal with this without him.

"Baby can we go tonight?" I blurted out
"I mean are you sure? Yes of course but we need to catch the earliest flight we can, come on!"
I hugged him,
"Thank you love."
He smiled back at me and then gestured me to get up. The whole car ride to the airport, me and Rooster were talking, so much had happend in the past month it felt unreal. I also found out my 'brother's' phone number from Alissa, atleast we weren't going to Germany for no reason.
The airport was busy as hell, even for 2am it was packed. We checked in and sat on the blue-airport chairs.
"I'm so tired," Rooster whispered in my ear
"You should get some rest love" I smiled as he rested his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes, I stroked his hair lovingly, I wouldn't even be here without him.

On the plane sat on the seats and nestled up together. It was 5am and we had only just got on the plane.
"Love the turbulence is really bad, I could fly better than this!" Rooster joked
"Same!" I replied laughing. The trip felt like ages, my head was on his shoulder when the announcement echoed through the plane
"We are landing in Berlin now!"

It was already the morning and getting off the plane felt horrible
"Shit I think my legs aren't legs anymore" I laughed
"Same, I think I replaced them with jelly" Rooster played along. We walked through the beautiful streets, the trees drooped over us and the fresh air circled us. The hotel was beautiful it had white walls and red decorations, the stairs were covered in a red mat coated in gold stripes.
"I feel so royal" Rooster smiled
"Same! We could be king and queen!"
After we sat in the room we were so tired.
"Are you going to sleep or do something considering it is 12pm" Rooster said glancing up at me, I wouldn't be surprised if he is thinking 'what the fuck is she doing?' because I was pacing next to my phone, contemplating whether I should call my brother.
"Love I think you should just do it.." he smiled weakly
"You should go to sleep Brad," I hugged him as he fell right asleep.
I picked up my phone and dialed the number.
"Hallo- ich bin.." I stuttered
"I can speak English" the man said in a heavy German accent
"Oh okay sorry"
"What did you need?"
"First I need to ask some questions"
"Of course, who are you though?"
"Amy Mitchell" I said "is your name Joseph Braun?"
He hung up quickly, shit I thought, that must be a yes.

I dialed the number again.
"Joseph I'm sorry I really need this"
"Fine but how do you know my name and it's not only my name it's my full name"
"This might sound strange but your mother is Charlotte Mi-" I stopped "Charlotte Blackwood?"
"Yes it is"
"My mother is her aswell.."
"What the hell.. so your my sister?"
"Yes I believe so, the only reason I knew you existed is because my dad, added you in his will, I think its because it was my mum's last wish."
"Oh.. im sorry about your father, maybe we can meet up soon and talk about this.. also do you live in Germany or something?"
"No I came from America for you"
"For me? No one's ever done anything for me before.. thank you Amy." Even though I couldn't see him I knew from his shaky voice he was about to cry
"I'll see you tomorrow.. just text me your address, bye brother.."

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