Chapter 16: mission

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As we stood in pre-flight, I glanced around trying to ignore the pep talk. I have always hated pep talks because I know that the reality scares me.
I climbed into the plane glancing to my left and making eye contact with my husband.
"Hey sweetie, does the mic work?" Rooster laughed
"I can still hear you little shits" Hangman said audibly rolling his eyes
"Just because you can't get girls-"
"I didn't say I wanted girls" hangman smiled
"Is there something you need to share?" I said.
As we flew I watched every plane flick passed my radar,
"Brad your going at atleast 2000 miles an hour"
"Totally honey, totally" he laughed.

After the mission I got changed and sat in the locker room. I stared at the freshly painted white ceiling, all I could think about was rooster everywhere I looked I saw his face. Suddenly, my phone pinged, I picked it up revealing a text from Rooster, 'hey! How are you? Also come to the cliffs at 5, I may or may not have a suprise for you!'
the text read. Excitement filled me as I ran out of the changing rooms clutching my phone
"Are you alright?" My dad said poking out from the corridor
"I forgot you are here and yeah!"
I walked off on the direction to the cliffs.

I glanced around the green grass, looking for rooster, but he was nowhere to be seen.
"Boo!" He jumped on my back causing me to fall onto the grass,
"Shit man" I laughed looking at him beside me. He was giggling softly just like a child,
"What's happend now?" I smiled
"I made these for you" he looked around arkwardly hoping not to see my reaction. In the enclosed box I found two rings made out of grass and daisy's and even for the materials they were highly artistic.
"Aw honey they're beautiful!" I brought his face to look at me,
"Really?" He kissed me, looking deep into my eyes trying to find a lie but he was unsuccessful, I was already hopelessly in love with him.

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