Chapter 27: The twins

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After a couple of long months Brad was back to normal and even though I told him to take it easy we all know he was playing football secretly.

I was stood in the bathroom and talking to Brad through the door
"Hun!! You sure I can't come in?" He sighed, leant on the door
"Yes! I actually look like those 12-year-old girls in middle school trying to put on mascara,"
I heard him laugh from outside the door.
"Okay but please can I come in?"
I slowly unlocked the door and it swung open, he lifted my face up with his finger and observed my makeup
"I do like that wing on the eyeliner" he smiled
"Thank you but can I do your makeup?"
"Fine but why do you love doing my makeup?"
"Because you look great" I laughed.

Once I had finished adding the red lipstick I turned to mirror to face him.
"I look-"
He stood up and walked up and down our bedroom like a supermodel, strutting and flicking his short hair. I burst out laughing and clutched the makeup brush, I grabbed him and held him by the shoulders
"I need to get this off you!"

The next day I woke up with strong pains in my stomach and I was 100% sure it was labor pains. We are having a home birth and have been preparing for months, I told Rooster about it and he called the midwife. She told us it was in fact labor pain, we were both shocked but this wasn't the time to be worried because I had to squeeze out two babies at possibly the same time. I held on tight to Bradley's hand and it happend, I felt all my emotions spill out, all the memories of Bradley and I ran through my head and now I finally felt connected properly to him. The times when he comforted me when I needed it the most, the times when he held my hand because I had no one else to, the times when I felt at ease, I just love him.

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