Chapter 5: Fighting

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I decided that after the meeting I was going to confront Rooster, I wanted to tell him everything I felt, I wanted him to know everything I needed him to know. As I walked over to Rooster I spotted Phoenix laughing with a group of girls
"Looks like I've got your man" she laughed pointing at Rooster
"Your so fucking childish Phoenix, leave me alone" I was about to walk away when Phoenix pushed me into the chair, the noise made everyone turn, but Rooster ran over and held me in his arms
"JESUS PHOENIX, YOU JUST PUSHED SOMEONE INTO A CHAIR? FOR WHAT?" he screamed at her, his face had no sign of fear. Phoenix ran off and I don't remember much after that, I do know that I woke up in a strange bed.
"Where am I?" I said weakly looking around, thats where I spotted Rooster
"Hey.. sorry for being a prick before, from now on I won't be a prick" he laughed walking over to me and placing a bandaid on my arm
"I forgive you, there was a reason though"
"No.. it was ages ago and you can't change the future if you dwell on the past" rooster smiled and hugged me just in a way that made butterflies flutter in my stomach
"Rooster.. this is a shit time to say this but-" i stopped, because of the way he looked into my eyes, we were so close and I couldn't help but go red
"Carry on"
I guess the butterflies made me so nervous I blurted out "we can be friends!"
He looked at me with a look of sadness but it soon changed into a smile
"Friends? Yes!" He gave me a hug as if to say 'what about what we were before?'
I felt bad and I wanted to tell him everything, but I was so weak it ended up me falling asleep on him.

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