Chapter 12: Perfect time

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I visited my father's house often, I kind of felt bad for him as his best friend (Goose) had passed away and my mother (Charlie.)
When I was there last my father expressed that it felt strange with me dating his best friend's son, I just laughed, in the end I loved Rooster and I didn't care who he was. I hugged my dad goodbye and left, I had to be at the cliffs for eight-thirty.

I walked onto the cliffs and I saw the sun hide beneath the hills peaking through the top,
"Love.." Rooster touched my hand softly gesturing for me to follow him. He led me to a clear spot and sat me down. We talked for awhile, I didn't even care why he brought me here I just loved him,

"Bradley? Do you remember when we were younger and we would talk and play every day, there was a time when I thought all of that was lost." I looked into his teal eyes as he held the side of my face

"I'm so sorry, I-"

"It's not your fault, Bradley and I'd love you either way" I said.
He kissed me, holding my face and brushing my brunette hair behind my ear. I pulled away and grabbed his shirt to pull him up
"Where are we going?" He laughed as I ran still grabbing his shirt. I took him to a clear spot and stood him up

"We are going to dance!" I smiled
He looked confused but started trying to dance "you really think thats dancing?"
"I think so-"
I grabbed his hand and said
"Put this on my waist" he then did that "and the other one, on the other side."

Once Rooster had done learning we danced all throughout the night and eventually we fell down on the grass.
"That was so fun" Rooster smiled
"Not as fun as this!" I jumped on top of him and started tickling him
"Okay stop!" He said laughing and giggling. He suddenly got up and turned away,

"You ok?" I said trying to see what he was doing, I eventually saw a bright red box and a smiling rooster, he turned around and walked over still clutching the box.
He then slowly opened the box revealing a silver ring,
"Amy, I love you and everything we've been through, I'm sorry for being a prick before but I want to spend my whole life with you, will you marry me?"

"yes! A thousand times yes!"
He smiled and placed the ring on my finger, he stood up and grabbed my waist, I kissed him and my life felt complete.
I was getting married to my childhood best friend!

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