Chapter 22: Not my lie

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I had been waiting for him to arrive, I'd never seen him so stressed and I think that is what's concerning me. I  knew the best thing to do was go to the bar to get my brain to shut up.

I sat on the bar seats drinking beer and staring at all the couples cuddling and snuggling with eachother, was I ever going to experience that again? I mean he could easily just divorce me. I guess going to the bar definitely didn't stop my thoughts, although I spotted my friend, Jack. He hugged me and comforted me, I knew Rooster would hate it if he walked in right now, obviously I don't have feelings for Jack but Rooster is extra Jealous today. Just as my thoughts left Rooster himself stormed in the door and made eye contact with me, I felt my heart drop.
He pulled Jack off of me,
"The fuck?"
"Jack just leave it." Anger grew inside of me as Rooster dragged me out of the bar like a child. As I sat in the car, I looked away from him.

"What were you doing with him?" Rooster looked angry staring at me even though I wasn't even glancing in his direction, he moved my head to look at him,
"Rooster get the fuck off of me! You can't just treat me like a child, do I look like a child to you? Huh?" I pushed him away and folded my arms, his expression changed from anger to sadness.
"I'm sorry.. I see what I did, I just can't loose you again and then I get these thoughts and I just-"
"Save it! Fucking save it, he's my friend, not my sneaky link."
Rooster turned away and started the car, even after what Rooster did I suddenly felt guilty. I grabbed his face and kissed him,
"No I'm sorry!" I exclaimed hugging him. He smiled and hugged me back. I realized whatever he did I had to stick with him because I know he's the only person I really have right now.

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