Chapter 13: Marriage

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My father and I had been preparing since I told him that I was getting married, it made me realize how supportive he is.
Me and Rooster walked up to my father's front door, we both had cheesy grins and looked like excited toddlers,
The door swung open and my dad looked happy to see us
"Amy! Brad! What brought you kids here?"
"Dad I'm 25" I said
"Still my kid."
We walked in and sat on the red velvet chairs.
"So? What's happend?"
Rooster and I both looked too excited to say anything
"We're getting married!" Rooster smiled, holding his arm around my neck,
"What?! Really?" My dad ran over and hugged me "your going to be a Bradshaw! My daughter is going to be a Bradshaw!"
Me and Rooster nodded in unison, clutching onto the thought of the wedding.
I woke up and slipped on my wedding dress. I sat on the chair attached to my vanity mirror. I kept thinking whether this was a good idea, what if he hates all of my little habits? Just before I could lost in my thoughts I heard a soft knock on the door. It was Alissa, Bradley's mom.
I opened the door slowly, greeting her
"Hey sweetie" she smiled "can I come in?"
"Of course"
She walked in and sat down on my stone-grey couch,
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm not sure" I said with a shaky voice
"It's alright to tell me what's wrong"
I decided to just be honest, after all I'd known her for 28 years, since I was born.
"I don't know, I love Bradley and I have for years but I just keep feeling like he will somehow hate me"
"I know how you feel, when I married Brad's father I had the same thoughts but listen, Bradley is a softie and you know that, he's known you since he was a baby, I just know he's loved you since he knew how to love" Alissa laughed
"Thank you Alissa" I hugged her, Alissa had always been my second mother after my mom died, this just proves it. After all that Alissa took me to the venue and I got ready to walk down the aisle. I looked down at the red carpet, as I walked along clutching my bouquet, I decided it would be better to glance upwards and I saw Bradley staring at me lovingly, all my worries left. I got up to the stage and held onto Brad
he brushed the hair behind my ear and whispered
"You look beautiful as usual hunny"
I blushed slightly
"So do you" I laughed. Once the vows had been exchanged Rooster held my waist and kissed my lips passionately.

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