Eyes That Held the Universe - 45

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Lilly and Rose were laying beside one another, just scrolling on their phones. Lilly was calming down from the day's events, and she could tell Rose was too. 

"Y'know, I just wish we had proof he lied." Rose thought aloud, Lilly nodded. She didn't want to sink to James' level and be vile to him, she just wanted the truth to be known.

"Yeah..." Lilly wished they did.

Until an idea crossed her mind.

"Rose...remember the note he left me?" Rose turned to Lilly, a glimmer in her eye.

"Yes I do."

"That could be proof, right? I mean he even signed his name at the bottom, and there should be camera proof of him going to your locker and mine." Lilly felt excitement rise inside of her.


"For sure...gosh we should schedule an appointment to tell the principal tomorrow." 

"Yeah...or we could go now. It's only 3:10, we still have 20 minutes until the day ends." Rose and Lilly shared a look, and then jumped to get their shoes on, and half a minute later they were racing out of the front door, not even telling Anne what was happening.

The pair ran as quickly as they could, and arrived at the school doors just 3 minutes later.

"I hope he's still here..." Rose said as she and Lilly walked into the empty hallway. They took a few turns and then arrived at the principal's office.

Lilly walked up to the door, and slowly, she knocked.

"Yes?" She heard the principal's voice, and so she pushed open the door, and the couple walked inside.


"What are you two doing here? If you don't leave-"

"Sir! We have proof it was James that lied about us." Lilly interjected, as she and Rosie sat down in the chairs they had been in hours prior.

"Oh...share it then." The principal sighed.

"We have a letter that James taped to Lilly's locker this morning." Rose began.

"Yes, and it proves he made these rumours up to hurt us."

"Why would he do that?" The principal asked, mistified.

"Because on Wednesday Rosie rejected his dating proposal...we were telling you the truth earlier you know."

The principal sighed again.

"Just read the note."

Lilly nodded.

"Lilly, I hope your girlfriend regrets what she did to me. Maybe everyone thinking you sacrifice animals for some ritual will teach her. Signed, James"

Rose and Lilly looked expectantly at the principal.

"...I'm sorry then. Guess you were right. You do know I had well intentions?" The principal asked, clearly embarrassed.

Lilly and Rose looked at each other, Lilly tried holding in a slight laugh.

"Uhm, yeah sure." Rose answered.

"So are we, like, un-suspended?" Lilly inquired.

"Oh sure, you can come in tomorrow...James, however, will not be."

Rose smiled, Lilly could tell how relieved she was.

"Will you make an announcement about the rumours?"

"If you girls want me too-"

"Yes." Both Lilly and Rose answered harshly.

"Alright then...you can go."

Lilly smiled, relief and happiness filling her body, as she and Rose got up and out of his office, and left the school.

"Lilly, you're really amazing you know." Rose looked at Lilly, love clouding her eyes.

"Aw Rose..." Lilly teared up slightly. The day had been a bit of a rollarcoaster and she just felt emotionally drained and on edge.

"You're the love of my life." Lilly had some tears streaming down her face, to which Rose delicately wiped away.

"C'mon, I wanna take you somewhere." Rose took Lilly's hand and immediately began to walk.

Even a block into their walk, Lilly knew where they were going, but she just wanted to let Rose surprise her, so she kept quiet.

Finally, the couple arrived along the river bank path, and both climbed through the bushes to their spot.

"Rose, I wanna be with you forever." Lilly sat down, with Rose at her side.

"I want you in my life Lilly, you just make it so much better." Rose smiled, making Lilly feel like she was flying, and then her lips touched Lilly's...and she fell right back to the ground.

"Mhm..." Lilly pulled away delicately. She looked up at the clouds, and truly felt the gravity of all she could explore someday hit her. Soon, she would feel so alive...

"Lilly..." Rose said sweetly.


"Look." Rose pointed to the side, where several flowers were.

"Gosh those are beautiful..."

"Yeah." Rose whispered in wonder. She leaned over and picked some flowers.

Some pink tulips.

"These are my favourite." Lilly looked at Rose in surprise.

"Oh...they are mine too. How did we not know this about each other?"

Rose giggled and shrugged.

"Doesn't matter. We know now."

Lilly felt her heart soar, as she looked at that girl with strawberry blonde hair and eyes that held the Universe.

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