Be with Her - 10

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Rose looked at herself in the mirror. It had been a day since her mom and her had talked about her dad, and a day since she had finally let the truth of her sexuality be acknowledged to herself. Honestly, she felt okay. Of course her feelings about her dad were complicated, but she was coping very well.

As for her feelings for girls, she knew they existed, and she knew it was okay. She just had to take time to accept them properly...a lot of time. But she knew she would be loved and supported as she worked through them...and she knew she wanted to tell her mom. She needed someone by her side, and she knew her mom would be the perfect person to have there.

The doorbell rang and it shook Rose from her thoughts. She quickly checked her hair, since she liked to look pretty for Lilly. 

She liked to look pretty for Lilly.

It all clicked.

How had Rose been so blind? She loved to be around Lilly, she loved Lilly's personality, her laugh, her hair, appearance, her voice...she had feelings for Lilly.

"Wow." Rose whispered to herself.

"Ding-dong" The doorbell rang again.

Rose skipped down the stairs and opened the door.


"Hi!" Rose exclaimed, a bit overly excited.

"Hey!" Lilly said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Come on in." Rose stood to the side and let Lilly in, before closing the door and guiding her to her bedroom.

"This is my's my bed...and stuff." Rose awkwardly gave a tour of her room.

Lilly looked around, before delicately sitting down on her bed.

Rose sat beside her. Her heart was beating so much that it took all of her strength to keep the rest of her from shaking.

"So, Lilly, have you ever...uh, kissed someone?" Rose tried to ask nonchalantly. She felt an innate curiosity of what Lilly had experienced romance-wise, especially since she herself had experienced nothing.

"Oh! Well, yeah once." Lilly shifted a bit, she seemed a bit surprised by the question.

"It was a year and a half or so, so I was 13. We were at a school dance and were on the bleachers together...and it happened. The girl was Mandy, kinda weird but she was cute and we got along well at the time." Lilly laughed lightly.

"Oh Mandy? She's my friend. I had no idea you guys had a 'fling'." Rose grinned.

"Yeah well, it only lasted one evening so I know why she wouldn't want to talk about it. She's sweet though, too bad she and I never stayed friends." Lilly turned to Rose and made Rose blush.

She smiled and turned to look at the floor.

Lilly shuffled slightly to be a bit closer to Rose, and she slipped her hand into hers.

Rose turned to Lilly, surprised by the gesture.

Was Lilly being...romantic?

No, she couldn't be...

"Your hands are really soft..." Lilly said quietly.

"Thank you...I love your perfume." Rose looked into Lilly's eyes longingly.

She wanted to kiss her. She wanted to lean forward and...

Rose noticed that she was leaning towards Lilly slightly and jerked herself back, which made Lilly move her hand off of Rose's and turn forward.

"Did I hurt her? Did she think I was going to kiss her?" Rose frantically thought to herself.

"I'm going to get us some snacks hey?" She suggested, to which Lilly smiled and thanked her.

So Rose got up and walked downstairs. All she could think of was Lilly and how badly she wanted to kiss her, and date her, and be with her.

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