Strawberry Blond - 1

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A beautiful girl with strawberry blond hair, amber eyes that glowed like fireflies, and a bit of a bounce in her step, was walking down Moore Street. She held a plain totebag over her shoulder, was wearing a pink gingham dress, and a red pair of sneakers. She smiled to herself, listening to a song that played only inside of her head, and with her right hand, fiddled around with a crystal ring on her middle finger.

Lilly, a brunette with dark eyes and beautiful freckles resembling stars, who was wearing a blue twinset and some purple ankle boots, noticed her, and a smile curled at the edge of her soft, velvet, lips. She took a sip, the last, of her milkshake. She was at her favourite cafe on the patio, and kept a light gaze upon the girl walking by. She felt as if it was difficult for her to pull her eyes off of her, and she likely wouldn't have if she wasn't interrupted by a server.

"Is that all you'll be having Lilly?" The server said cheerily, Lilly was a regular after all.

"Yeah that'll be all! Thank you Rachel." Lilly pulled out some money and placed it on the table, took her purse, and waved goodbye as she left the cafe. 


All that evening Lilly found her mind kept on wandering back to the stunning girl she had seen earlier. She just felt a sudden connection to her. She lay in her bed, looking at her white ceiling with plastic, shiney vines drapped across, thinking. That night Lilly dreamed about some faceless girl in a pink gingham dress holding her hand, and walking with her. That morning she immediately thought of the girl, and her cute bag. As she got dressed and did her hair, it was all that her brain could focus on. Her mind was enveloped by this girl, who she didn't even know the name of, and who she would never see again. Lilly found it slightly funny how much she was thinking of this girl, she didn't understand why she was like this.

Lilly decided around 3 that afternoon to go back to the cafe, and just see if the girl would walk by again. She knew it was unlikely, it seemed as if the girl was walking on a whim rather than on schedule, but she wouldn't get out of her head and she wanted to see her again. If Lilly did see her, she didn't know what she would do. She could introduce herself, but what would she even say?

"Hey there, I'm the girl that stared at you yesterday, wanna chit-chat?" Lilly scoffed to herself, she was being dumb, but yet her legs kept walking, no matter how much her mind diswayed her.

Lilly got to the patio and leaned against the fence along the sidewalk, and took a glance or so up and down the sidewalk. There were only a few passerby today, which was surprising since it was so warm outside, but, no mystery girl. She waited a few minutes and kept on checking, but she wasn't there. After 15 minutes Lilly laughed dryly to herself, what was she even expecting? She went inside the cafe to buy a cupcake to bring home, a vanilla sprinkles one, her favourite. When she walked out, she took one more look around and to her surpise...

She saw the girl. Her hair, put up into a ponytail, shone in the sun. Her smile, with her pink and glittery gloss, was electric. Her body, drapped in a unfit linen dress, was the most beautiful sight in the whole world. And her voice, Lilly saw her eyes meet hers, her lips moved, and her voice came out like a song...

"Hi! I just wanted to say I love your shoes," Lilly burst into a grin and brought her smitten self to thank her.

"I'm Rose by the way." Rose looked expectantly at Lilly.

"Oh! Well nice to meet you Rose! I'm Lilly." Lilly held out her hand to shake Roses, but accidently held out her cupcake box.

"Oh sorry, aheh, uhm," She quickly held out her other hand. Rose happily took it and laughed lightly...her laugh was like all the joy in the universe concentrated into one single point.

"Well it's great to meet you Lily, I hope we meet again sometime!" Rose let go of Lilly's hand lightly, so delicately she seemed afraid that her hand was made of glass. Lilly nodded, and as Rose walked away, her eyes trailed after her, longing.

As soon as Lilly got home she played some music and imagined talking to Rose, getting to know her, holding her hand, having girly sleepovers with her...and kissing her. Lilly blushed and let herself fall into that fantasy, but in the back of her mind she knew she was only going to hurt herself by letting herself fall for a girl...

named Rose.

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