Show You Off - 23

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Lilly felt the same as she always did whenever she got ready for a date with Rose; absolutely ecstatic and giddy. 

She had her wavy hair flowing naturally, with a simple pearl headband on top. She had some pink and blush toned makeup, with a lot of shimmer, as well as some pearl jewellery. Along with this, she was wearing some white capri-pants, and a yellow striped crop top. She wore her usual purple sneakers, and had a little woven bag.

Lilly's confidence was healthily high as of late, and she really thought that came through in her looks.

Lilly and Rose were meeting up at the theatre in 15 minutes, so she grabbed her phone and some snacks, and put them into her bag, before walking out of the door.

"Rosie!" Lilly called as she approached the cinema doors.

"Lilly! How are you?" Rosie walked up to Lilly.

"Good, good. How about you?"

"Good...listen I'm really sorry about yesterday." Rose said with a guilty look in her eye.

Lilly, in a way, was glad that Rose wanted to apologize, but she didn't want Rose to feel so sorry and awful about it all. It was okay now.

"Sweetie, it's okay. Please don't worry about it." Lilly took Rosie's hand and smiled warmly.

That smile made Rose's whole face light up. Her eyes glowed like stars and her smile was enough to make anyone weak in the knees. Lilly stared at her for what felt like an eternity.

"So, trailers are starting soon, let's get to our seats?" Rose quipped, clearly not wanting to break from Lilly's gaze either.

"Sure...and I brought snacks like I said so we don't waste any time or money on concessions." Lilly said, showing the inside of her bag to Rose.

"Great, c'mon now." Rose took Lilly by the hand and they went inside.

Sitting down in their seats in a relatively empty cinema, right in the center back of the theatre, at the start of the trailers, Lilly gave Rose a small bag of chips and a soda can. Rose smiled and quietly thanked her, before looking to her totebag oddly, and turning back to the screen.

Lilly wondered what Rose had in her bag. Well, it wasn't really any of her business, but she was sure Rosie would tell her later.

It was near halfway through the movie, and there was a big "romantic" scene. Rose looked at her feet uncomfortably, and Lilly stared at the ceiling. After nearly a minute Lilly decided to look at Rose, maybe to laugh about the awkwardness of it all. When she did, Rose was doing the same thing.

"Hey..." Lilly whispered quietly.

"Hi..." Rose's soft lips moved, making Lilly wish they were in her room and she could just kiss her...well, why couldn't she now?

Lilly looked at Rose, and to her surprise, Rose leaned forward first. They exchanged glamorous passion until that scene was over...which was not very soon.

"Well that was a great movie!" Rosie exclaimed as the lights lifted and the credits rolled.

Lilly thought it was an okay movie, but she loved how Rose's smile grew as she began to talk about her favourite parts, and she didn't want to bring her down. So when Rose asked,

"What did you think?" Lilly just said.

"I loved it! I'm really glad we saw it." The pair smiled at each other as they held hands and walked out of the movie theatre.

"Me too. You're the best."

Lilly's heart was beating fast and her stomach was full of butterflies. Even just being looked at by Rose, her girlfriend, was magic.

"You're perfect."

Rose placed her hand on Lilly's cheek and looked into her eyes, before taking in a sharp inhale and stepping away from her. A few people walked by and exchanged glances with one another, stared, or just looked away.

"I can't believe I just did that- I'm so so sorry Lilly...I just feel like we've gotten so comfortable with each other recently in private, that I just forgot that it's not that way in public..." Rose frantically spoke, and Lilly, though nervous about their sensitive moment in public, just wanted her to calm down and to feel okay.

"Rosie, it's okay...maybe, since I'm out to everyone and you are to your mom, we could try just...letting our relationship exist in public?" Lilly began to walk again and Rose joined her.

"I don't know...that's a big step..." Rose thought for a few moments. A minute or so actually, as they walked for a whole block in silence.

"I'd actually like that." Rose stopped walking and turned to look at Lilly.

"I want to show you off, to kiss you in public, to be a real couple."

Lilly felt a wave of joy wash over her. She beamed.

"I want that too."

The pair shared a look before taking each others hands, and continuing their walk.

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