World Was All Hers - 40

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Rose rushed up the stairs into her bedroom, where she dropped her bags of new supplies and clothing on her bed, and quickly began to pack up a backpack with some clothes and toiletries. Just after a minute or two, she was done. Rose came back downstairs where Lilly was sitting on the porch; patiently waiting.

"Lilly, let's go!" Rose smiled as Lilly jumped up and began to walk beside her.

"I'm really excited for you to properly meet my moms. I mean, your mom and one of mine have met before so I bet you've met her, but you were probably way younger." Lilly said sweetly.

Rose felt fairly nervous about meeting Lilly's parents. It wasn't that she wasn't ready for that step in their relationship, it was just that she really wanted them to like her. If Lilly's moms disliked Rose then what if they didn't let her go on their trip? If the trip was cancelled, Rose's heart would break.

"Yeah! Me too...staring this fall I was thinking that maybe we should join a bookclub or something together? Both of our moms, well mine and one of yours, are in one and my mom loves it, and I just thought it could be a cute couple thing for us..." Rose quipped, interlacing her fingers with Lilly's. She felt Lilly's cool rings on her fingers, and as they walked closely beside one another, Lilly's sundress grazed against Rose's hand.

Rose herself, felt her long, flower print dress hit her ankles with every step she took. It was a dress she had gotten for her birthday a few months prior, and it was a dress she had worn a day or so before she met Lilly, one of the days before her life changed forever.

"That'd be so fun. Do you know if there are any in town for people our age?" Lilly asked thoughtfully, looking down slightly to match Rose's eye level. Lilly was usually just an inch or so taller than Rose, unnoticable difference, but today she had worn some platform shoes and was really milking the height difference.

Rose liked it though. Made her feel...more protected. Like she was a jewel a knight would lay their life down for.

"I dunno, probably not. I thought if school didn't have one, that we could start our own? A teen book club, or a couples one, if we were in a city I'd suggest a queer one but there's too few in our town I bet."

"Rosie, there are loads of queer people here. I mean, lots of adults, some married, it's just you never notice the teenagers because so few date. There are enough queer kids that some, like you and me, are lucky enough to find each other, but mostly there just aren't super compatible pairs." Lilly squeezed Rose's hand, Rose knew that she felt bad even slightly correcting her. Lilly was too kind and apologetic for her own good, Rose didn't even care that she was corrected, it was just Lilly's conscience.

"Yeah that checks out...what do you think of a teenager couples book club? We'd be like, the one gay couple, but it could still be really cute and fun." Rose and Lilly were nearing Lilly's house.

"Oh my gosh, that'd be so cute!" Lilly beamed.

"I know!" Rose smiled at Lilly as the pair walked up and into the house.

After an hour or so of tea and talking to Lilly's moms, Rose decided to bring up the topic of the trip to Europe. She felt good and comfortable so far, as if she were well-liked, so she thought it could go well to talk about. Rose just didn't want to upset Lilly's parents because she knew they hadn't completely supported it at first.

"So, Lilly and I have talked and we think that a good way to get all of our credits this year is to do some courses over the upcoming summer. We've already made sure all of our mandatory courses are first semester, so that means second semester we were meant to do our electives which we could complete in the summer." Rose spoke quickly and immediately took a sip of her tea after speaking. She just felt so nervous about the whole situation.

"That sounds great! We were thinking that would be a good way to do it. Actually I was going to suggest it the other day but forgot." Lilly's mum, Amanda, laughed lightly, making Rose smile with relief.

"Oh good." Rose looked at Lilly beside her.

"I really can't wait for us to be over there for so many months." Lilly grinned.

"I wish I had gotten this opportunity with Lilly's mum when I was younger." Luna said whistfully.

"Oh sweetie, we've traveled the whole world, it's their turn now. So pair better enjoy it." Amanda's eyes filled with love as she looked at Luna, Lilly, and then Rose.

"You girls don't know how amazing your lives are." Rose nodded, knowing it was the truth.

So much privilage, love, experience, and happiness she had, in that moment Rose truly realized how much she needed to take advantage of this part of her life. She was young, smart, dreaming, and the world was all hers...she couldn't waste that. Not at all.

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