Truthful than Scary - 9

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Lilly was sitting outside, on the patio of the cafe where she had first seen Rose.

Oh she was completely infatuated with Rose, even looking at the sidewalk where she had walked made her heart skip a beat. Or two.

Lilly turned her attention to her milkshake, she had gotten a strawberry one today. She wanted to clear her mind of Rose, she knew there was nothing between them, and she didn't want to hold onto feelings that would never show for anything.

Even thinking of Rose's name made Lilly's lips curl into a smile. She was too far into her feelings to get rid of them just by ignoring them, and she knew that, but she knew what the next step to take in order to gain closure and to grow from them was, and she wasn't ready for that.

Telling Rose.

Now that was crazy.

Lilly laughed a bit to herself at the notion. Maybe she would do that someday, but not any time in the near future.

Anyways, Rose was in a difficult place with her sexuality and all, so it wouldn't be fair to do that to her.

Lilly thought for a moment.

What if she did tell Rose? It might be confusing and messy for both of them, but it may be beautiful, and bloom into something...

"No no no...I can't let myself entertain this. SHE DOESN'T LIKE ME. Why can't I get it through my head?" Lilly yelled internally.

"But she might..."

Lilly felt a rush of happiness at that prospect.

Rose might like her.

She had to tell her.

Lilly grinned and continued drinking her milkshake with a feeling of bliss over her.

She would tell Rose, the next time they met up.

Lilly grabbed her phone from the table and opened her chat with Rose.

"Hey Rosie, wanna hangout tomorrow? We could get together a watch a movie <3"


Just a second later, and Rose had responded.

"Ooh sure! That'd be fun :) how about my place at 2?"

Lilly answered.

"Great! I can't wait"


Her hands shook a bit as she put her phone down. Rose had sent her a heart.

Rose flirted with her.

Lilly couldn't contain herself and let out an excited giggle.

Anyways, she had finished her milkshake, so she paid and walked home.

On the way, she hummed to herself, a bit of Mitski. She felt like she was floating and every step made her feel happier. She felt in love. Lilly knew she had only known Rose for a short time, bare days, but her feelings were undeniable, and she believed she was falling in love.

Not completely in love, but starting too.

Lilly arrived at her house, and when she walked inside, found one of her moms sweeping the hallway.

"Hello Lils, how was your milkshake?" She smiled warmly, with her dark bob and blush-toned lips. Lilly always called this one of her moms "mum" rather than her other mom, who she called "mom". It was difficult for anyone other than them three to understand at times.

Lilly's mum was the one who had carried her, so they looked near identical.

"It was good...I wanna talk to you about something."

"Sure thing, let's go to the kitchen."

So Lilly and her mum went to the little round table, encompassed with sunlight, in the kitchen.

"Mum, you and mom got together as teenagers right?" Her mum nodded, immediately smiling from remembering her young days with her highschool sweetheart.

"Oh was beautiful. Falling in love is the best feeling in the world Lils."

Lilly nodded.

"Yeah, well, I think I may be experiencing it a bit...with Rose."

Her mums eyes began to glow.

"You are? Oh my goodness, hun I'm so excited for you."

"Thank you...I want to tell her. Do you have any advice?"

Lilly's mum put her hand on Lilly's arm.

"Just be honest with her, and understanding if she doesn't feel the same way. All you need to do is respect her."

Lilly nodded. Of course she had known to do that, but hearing her mom tell her Rose may not feel the same, felt more truthful than as scary as it felt when Lilly told herself that.

Lilly was ready, Lilly knew she was going to tell Rose that she loved her.

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