All Work Out - 34

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Rose was sitting down on the couch as her mom talked hushedly on the phone with Lilly's mum. Just 15 or so minutes ago she had told her everything, and then Lilly must have as well because they were discussing something very seriously.

"...we have to make sure that James isn't in either of the girl's classes in the fall. There's still 2 weeks until school begins so there'll be time to arrange that..." Rose heard her mom say on the phone. A bit of relief filled her, just knowing he wouldn't be in her classes made her feel so much safer.

James genuinely scared her. He was bigger, stronger, and a lot more stupid than she was, meaning he could come at her unexpectedly and she could do next to nothing. The only reason why she was able to somewhat get away with punching him was because she had taken him by surprise, if he knew she was going to do that then...Rose didn't want to think about it.

"...okay then, we should meet for coffee to talk more soon...yup, great thanks...bye." Anne hung up the phone and came back to the livingroom from the hallway.

"Sweetie, you and Lilly won't have to worry about James bothering you once her mom and I are through." Anne smiled softly and patted Rose's shoulder.

"Thank you...I'm gonna go to my room now." Rose stood up and went upstairs, just wanting for time to stop. For everything to stop.

She loved Lilly, and all she wanted to do was express that, but now she couldn't without being judged, harrassed, or maybe hurt. Rose knew that when school began, it would be even worse. Even though she was in a rather progressive area, people being allies in theory was a lot more common than in practice. Knowing a gay person was different than knowing a gay person being with another...Rose wished that she was a boy so she and Lilly wouldn't be given a second glance when they kissed, held hands, or even hugged just a bit too closely.

Rose sighed and closed her bedroom door, before going to sit in her small window bay. She just looked out of the window, and began to dream of her trip with Lilly. How they would see so many sights, be able to express who they are and be themselves, meet people once and never again, be young and stupid without embarrassment...a picture entered Rose's mind.

Her and Lils, sitting on a restaurant patio in Spain or Italy at night. Candles lit, string lights all over, and people singing, laughing, and living in the streets beside them. They would have virgin margaritas, well Lilly would, Rose would try the real thing, and they would just laugh, and watch the world passing by. They would be alive and it would be so thrilling.

Rose felt her heart giddy with glee and a smile spread across her face as one spreads honey across bread.

"I'm going to be with in Europe with my soulmate..." Rose could barely contain herself, and just scrunched her fists up, digging her nails into her own palms, and silently screamed.

That was the sight, the vision, she had to hold onto to get through the next bit of her life. It would be tough, but she would have Lilly and her friends by her side. Rose had so many messages of love and support for her these past few days as she had slowly come out to her individual friends or they had just heard through the grapevine...she would be okay.

Rose would be okay. Lilly would be fine. It would all work out.

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