Just Fine - 22

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Rose felt sorry for how she had treated Lilly. She was undeserving of anything but hugs, kisses, and complete adoration, yet she had taken her anger and frustration out on her, and that wasn't fair in the slightest.

At least she knew she was wrong and had put the complete truth down on paper, and put it somewhere that she hoped Lilly would go to and find it. Even if Lilly didn't, Rose would still talk to her and apologize, she deserved it. Well, even if Lilly did find it, Rose would still talk to her. It was their first "problem" in the relationship, and she wanted it to be completely smoothed out, and to be an example for future issues.

Rose was sitting on the couch in the livingroom, enveloped by pillows and covered in a crocheted blanket.

"Should I text her? She may want to hear from me...or she may not. Maybe she's really hurt and an apology right now would help, or maybe she's completely furious...agh I'll just text her."

Rose got out her phone and opened her chat with Lilly. It hurt to read her last message, and even more to see that Lilly had read it.

"Why did I say that?" She whispered to herself.

"Hey Lils, I'm really sorry about what I said earlier. It was totally out of line. Do you wanna meet up tomorrow to talk and maybe go to the theatre? They're showing some Legally Blond reboot that could be fun, or better yet, you choose our movie! I love you :)"

There, that was good...wasn't it? Maybe it was too light-hearted and happy, maybe Rose shouldn't suggest a date right after an apology...well maybe it would lift the mod?

"Ping!" A response.

"Hey Rosie, thanks for the apology, I really appreciate it. Also, I found your letter, and it meant a lot. Thank you. As for tomorrow, that sounds great! How about we facetime and choose a movie together? I love you tooo!"

Whew, that was good. Truly Lilly was the sweetest girl alive and was so forgiving and amazing, Rose barely felt worthy of her.

"Sure thing!"

Rose called Lilly.


"Hi! So, tomorrow the theatre opens at..."

So they went on and on about the movie theatre and what to see for the next 10 minutes, before deciding upon a new Margot Robbie film.

"Well I'm really looking forward to seeing you Rosie."

Lilly smiled at her camera.

"I can't wait to see you Lils!"

Rose smiled even harder than Lilly, waved, and ended the call.

"I am so lucky to have her." Rose whispered to herself, before getting up to go to her room. She wanted to gift Lilly something. Rose opened her door, went to her window, opened a box on the floor below it, and took out a canvas and paint and brushes.

A painting, now that was a romantic and thoughtful gift...

So for the next few hours Rose sat at the dining table and painted. She had a delicate touch and a steady hold, and spent ages just adding more and more details to make it even better.

Finally she was finished, and it was beautiful. Just like Lilly.

Rose couldn't wait to give it to Lilly tomorrow.

"Honey, want to order some Chinese food?" Rose heard her mom hollar as she entered the front door, coming home from work.

"Oh for sure!" She smiled, and went to grab the take-out menu they had on the fridge.

"The usual?" Rose asked as her mom came into the kitchen.

"Yup, I'll pick us a movie and you order?"

Rose nodded and picked up her phone to call the restaurant.

Her whole night was working out just fine.

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