Chapter 11:

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Nelly POV:
I follow Hannah inside the house. She says she's tired after a long walk in the woods, but something isn't right. Fear is almost a common sent on her, and she seems afraid of anything and everyone. I just don't understand why. We haven't done anything to her? Marc's words go through my head "Witches are deceiving and sneaky. She's just pretending. It's not who she really is. She is not poor, she is not a servant and she isn't actually scared of us. It's all spells and lies" What if he's right? Witches are not exactly known for being open and honest. They play tricks and games and when you finally lower your guards they will ruin you. Our mother died 8 years ago and I know Marc blames himself. And the witches. But this witch is his mate, and mates are the ones we should always be able to count on. Someone we should be able to trust with all at our secrets, our hopes and dreams. Someone to trust with our life. A mate is something special. A blessing from the moon goddess herself. If the witches have truly enchanted Marc to make him believe that Hannah is his mate, it will be the beginning of a war. But if she really is his mate, they are destined to be together. And it's something so unheard of! A wolf and a witch! Its something to put in the history books right there. I know they're looking for a way to break the bond, but I've never heard of a way. And honestly, I hope they never find a way. When a wolf finds its mate, the bond is unbreakable and that is the way it's supposed to be. There is no rejection of a mate like Marc is trying to do. If he doesn't mark her and they become separated before the bond is broken, they will feel physical pain. A pain beyond any other. What he is trying to do is like flipping The Moon Goddess the bird!

"Are you sure you don't need anything? I can find you some lunch? It's 3:45 but better late than never right" I say as she walks through the living room and into the kitchen. "No thank you, I'm not hungry. I'm going to take a shower. I got a little dirty in the woods" she says never once making eye contact. I know she was lying when she said she wasn't hungry. Her heart beat extra fast when she said that. I haven't seen her eat properly yet. Maybe witches don't need that much food? Or what if she's actually lying about not having any powers? Maybe that's why she's not eating? Can she make food appear and eat when she is alone? I can't help but smile. My brother's crazy ideas have really invaded my mind. Maybe she just doesn't eat as much as wolves do. She's so thin. And I guess there's a reason for that.

I decided to talk to Luna Marry about all this. She always has a great insight. After asking Hannah once more if she needs anything I get in my car and drive to the pack house.

I knock on Luna's door. There is no answer, so I knock again. The door opens a little and Luna looks out before opening the door completely. Inside the office are Marc, Alpha and Luna. "Nelly, please come in" says Luna and steps aside. "What is happening?" I ask, looking at Marc, but he keeps looking out the window. "We're just discussing the situation with Hannah. Maybe you can share your opinion too. You have spent some time with her, haven't you?" says Luna. "I haven't spent much time with her yet, but I have spent some time with her. I met her yesterday at Marc's house and took her to dinner. And I met her just now before coming here. She seems .. Well .. Afraid" I say. "She's pretending! It's all part of her plan. The worn clothes and pretending that's all she owns. Just like she's pretending to be afraid of everything and everyone. Why else would she be so scared? All the time? It's too exaggerated to be true," Marc exclaims yet his expression doesn't look as convincing as his words suggest.

"I don't know Marc. Yesterday, before dinner, I hugged her and she had a panic attack. I heard her heartbeat. It was going crazy. I don't think she could have faked it," I say and sit down in the empty chair. Marc looks away. It's like there's something he's not saying. "How is she when she's with you?" I ask Marc. He doesn't look at me, but replies "she is fake. She doesn't say much. But she can't look me in the eyes, so obviously she is lying" "she doesn't look me in the eyes either" I admit.

"We don't know much about witches in general, and this coven is particularly secretive. The council members are manipulative and always have an agenda. So I guess that could be true," Alpha says and run a hand through his hair. "But she's not like the other witches. I can feel it Leon. She is special," Luna says, looking at Alpha. They look at each other for a while and Alpha says "she's usually right about these things, Marc. It's like her sixth sense" "I don't think she's lying either. But I think there's something she's not saying. She doesn't eat, doesn't look anyone in the eye, doesn't like to be touched, doesn't say much, and when I gave her a dress, it was as if she didn't want it because it didn't cover her body completely" I say to them and go through the previous day in my head. "And when I met her just before, she had been in the woods. She said she was alone, but I could smell the blackberries in her breath. They are deep in the forest, so either she is very good at finding her way, or someone helped her" I say, not sure what I believe myself.

"Did you smell anything else on her?" Alpha asks. "Not something I thought stood out or was out of the ordinary. She smelled like the vanilla shampoo I gave her, blackberry and forests" I reply.

"When she fainted, the doctor said she had big bruises on her stomach and back. The witches said they knew nothing about it, but they lied, I'm sure. Maybe she has a reason to be scared all the time," Luna says.

A small growl escapes Marc and I smile a little. As much as he tries to deny it, he is protective of her. He looks away as if embarrassed by his reaction. She is his mate so feeling protective is understandable. Hell if it was my mate if would feel murderous if I as much as suspected that someone had put hands on my mate.

"Maybe we should talk to the witches and see what they say if we ask some questions about Hannah's behavior and bruises. Maybe their reaction would help us figure out if they're part of a plan," I suggest. "That could be a good idea. But what if they decide they want her home and the mate bond is genuine? Then Mark would be in terrible pain," Luna says and continues. "Maybe the best way to figure out what is going on, is to talk with Hannah. We shouldn't push her, but make her comfortable and try to get her to open up. If she's lying, she might slip up. But if she's really your mate, and she's really scared, then she might open up to you and tell you what happened to her that made her so scared" She looks at Marc and waits for his answer.

"It could work. If we all try to make her feel comfortable and safe, then she will trust us," I say. "Exactly," Luna smiles and adds "So is that the plan then?"

Marc doesn't reply.

"Answer your Luna!" Alpha growls. Alpha is a man of the people, but he doesn't tolerate anyone disrespecting his mate.

"Sorry Luna. Yes. That's the plan" Marc replies and bows his head to show respect.

The Unwanted Mate: The BondDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora