Chapter 8:

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Hannah POV:
My anxiety is going crazy and I can't seem to calm myself down. I want to take a shower and hopefully calm a little, but what if he enters my room whilst I'm naked? What if he takes it as an invitation? A nock on the door detaches me from my myriad of thoughts. Can he hear my thoughts? Did he know what I was just thinking? I panic even more at the thought that he might have heard me.

"Hallo?" A soft female voice sounds from the other side of the door.

I slowly open the door and peaks through the small opening. There is a young woman standing in the hallway. Her hair is a deep black and has waves like mine, but her hair stops at her collarbone. Her skin is olive and has a nice glow. She is smiling and her pearly white teeth are showing.

"Uhm.. Hey, I'm Nelly. Marc's sister." She says.

Of course. They look so alike. I lower my head and open the door completely. "Hello mam" I say and give her a small bow.

"Hahah what are you doing? And please don't call mam. Im 19 years old. I definitely don't belong in that category" she laughs. Her laughter is light and sincere. Hearing it comforts me a little. "Not the chatty type I see. That's okay, i talk enough for the both of us" she says and walks over to the bed and lie down. "This is so comfortable. I picked it out you know. The bedding and towels as well. Actually I picked out most of the decor. Marc is pretty basic. A little too basic if you ask me" she says as she studies her nails.

I do actually love the bedding. It's a light cream with golden threads in the fabric.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" She says and I can feel her eyes on me.

"I'm Hannah" I say in a low voice while picking at the hem of my dress. I'm still wearing the dress they gave me at the medical clinic.

"It's nice to meet you Hannah. Have you unpacked already?" She asks and walk over to the closet and open it. "Or maybe not? Where is all of your stuff?" She says as she studies my two identical dresses.

"That's it. I don't really need a lot" I say with as much confidence as a can gather.

"Are you serious? Two dresses? That is all?" She stares at me I pure disbelief an continues "No pants, skirts or shorts? Or a fancy dress or two? And shoes? You need shoes for all kinds of different occasions. What are you wearing tonight?" She asks, and sits back down on the bed.

"Tonight?" I say and try to remember if I have been told anything about an appointment tonight.

"For dinner? We eat together at the dining hall in the pack house. Didn't Marc tell you?" She grimace and exhale loudly. "I guess he didn't. He can be an ass, but he just need a moment to get used to the idea of a witch mate" she says and jumps off the bed. "So I'm gonna go home and find you something to wear, and in the meantime you should probably take a shower. You smell like a hospital" she says and walk towards the door. "I'll be back soon. Marc left, but he's probably just going to meet us at the pack house. So don't burn the house down while you're alone" she winks and leave the room.

He left? I'm alone? Then there is no better time to take a shower than now. I walk into the bathroom and after a short while I figure out how to use the damn thing. The showers in our village isn't this fancy. And the water that's coming out of them is barely lukewarm. This one is steaming hot. I feel my muscles relax under the warm water and shut everything out. I let the water pour over my head and soak my long hair. It touches the small on my back and I feel a light tickle.

After the refreshing shower I dry myself with a towel and wipe down the mirror. I have large bruises on my stomach and back. Some of them are very dark. I must have incurred them when I fainted. I bruise very easily. Once I got a big yellow bruise on my arm because I bumped into a table.

After 45 minutes I hear Nelly calling out to me "Hannah? Can I come in?" "Yes" I say and tighten the band on the bathrobe I'm warring. I never owned a bathrobe before, but I love them already. They are so soft and nice.

Nelly enter the room carrying a large suitcase and a bag. She smiles brightly and exhale as she throws the suitcase and bag down on the bed. She opens up the suitcase and it is loaded with clothing and shoes. "So you are a bit smaller than I am, but we will make it work" she says and starts pulling out the clothes and puts it on hangers. "I think that this summer dress would look so cute on you" she says and sizes me up with her eyes.

"I can't wear that. It's yours. I could never accept borrowing your clothes. I might ruin them. And I have to wear my uniform at all times." I say and take a step backwards.

"If I give it to you, then it's not borrowed. So it won't matter if you ruined it. And you're not back home, so you don't have to wear a uniform. You're not working, so dress up a little and have fun" she replies without even looking at me. She continue to fill the closet with the clothing she brought and throws me the summer dress she wants me to wear. I don't want to be disrespectful, so I decided to try it on for her. It is a lovely dusty pink with thin straps. It is light and loos on the bottom but has a nice fit on the top. I go out to the bathroom, and lock the door whilst changing. I don't want to change in front of her. I don't like being lightly dressed in front of others.

I look in the mirror and admire the dress. It's so beautiful. But the thin straps leave my neck, shoulders, back and some of my chest exposed. No matter how much I try to pull the fabric, it doesn't change a thing. The dress has a deep cut and my cleavage is showing. I feel on display and vulgar. I can't wear this. I change back into the bathrobe and walk out of the bathroom. "It didn't fit?" Nelly says with a frown on her face. "No not really" I lie and hope that she will let me were my regular dress. She studies my face and for a moment I think that she might see through my lie. But then she says "that's too bad. Maybe this one will fit you better. She hands me another dress. It's still a thin summer dress, but it is long enough to reach my knees and with t-shirt sleeves. I decided to try it on. I just lied to her. I can't lie again in order to get my own dress instead. I go back into the bathroom and try it on. It's perfect. Light and breezy, bare arms but a crew neckline and short t-shirt sleeves that covers my shoulders. And then it is a nice light green color.

I walk back into the bedroom and receive a smile from Nelly. "You look so good babe! If you weren't my brothers mate I might have taken you for myself" she says and winks at me. I feel a blush on my cheeks. "You're so sweet" she laughs and before I can stop it she wrap her arms around me and pull me in. I stiffen as she tightens her hold on me. I try to remain calm but eventually I panic and push her off me and practically run backwards against the wall. My heart is pounding and I can't seem to remember how to breathe. I'm cornered and can't seem to escape without having to move past her. The room starts spinning and my legs are getting shaky. "Hannah you have to breathe. I'm sorry I won't touch you again I promise. Hannah breathe!" She yells and move backwards. I run out of the room, down the stairs and all the way outside. I hunch down and feel the fresh air fill my lungs. I collapse on the grass and wipe away the tears that have soaked my cheeks and straighten up. Embarrassment washes over me. She probably thinks that I'm crazy.

"Hannah? Are you okay?" I hear Nelly say as she opens the front door. "I'm so so sorry Hannah, I didn't know" I can't believe that she is apologizing to me. I'm the one who owes her an apology for not keeping it together. "I'm fine. I'm so sorry for acting out, and for getting grass on your dress. I'll wash it for you I promise!" I say and get up from the ground and brush away the grass.

"Don't apologize! I'm a wolf, my clothing has been through much worse. I have ruined so many good outfits by shifting!" She says and laughs a little. She stays near the door and doesn't make any attempts to move closer to me. I walk towards her but keep a safe distance. "So should we get going? I'm hungry" she says and nod towards the blue car in the driveway. "Sure" I say and walk behind her to the car.

A dining hall full of ware wolfs. I'm not sure what to expect, but I know that it can't be good.

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