Chapter 18:

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Hannah POV:
The rain has stopped and we are now walking back towards Marc's house.

"Are you going to the party tonight" I ask hoping to learn more about the wolf. He doesn't respond at first but then he nods.

"Me too. I'm not really a party person but the Luna has been so kind to me so I feel like I at least owe her to attend her birthday party. Hopefully it won't be an event that goes on for many hours. But now that I'm thinking about it it probably is" I don't know why I can't seem to keep my mouth shut whenever I'm with the wolf. I never go on like this. It just seems so.. so easy and natural to talk to him but it shouldn't. He's a wolf. I shouldn't trust him but I can't seem to help it.

"I'm sorry you probably don't want to listen to me. I'll be quiet" I lower my head embarrassed of what me might think. But the wolf shakes his head and nudge me with his nose. "You want me to continue talking?" I ask not sure if I understand. He nods.

"So does all the wolfs in the pack attend this party?" I ask hoping to gain some information. He nods again. Perfect. Then that should making it easier to run. Maybe I can find someone outside the pack that knows how to get a message to my coven. It is important that they know about the wolfs. I could never live with myself if something happened to the coven. To my mom. I might die trying to get this message to them, but it will be worth it.

As we reach the end of the forest the wolf doesn't stop like he usually does. At least not until a car drives into the driveway. As the car stops, he picks up pace and run behind the house. As I make it to the front of the house I see Nelly and Marc standing in the front yard talking. Another car pulls into the driveway with Jason, Tatiana and Simon in it. They are laughing and dancing around, but Marc and Nelly doesn't laugh. They look like they have been interrupted and would like to be alone. Before I reach the house they all walk inside. Everyone but Marc.

His eyes look wild and confusion is clear on his face. Is he mad? Did he see the wolf? My clothes are soaked and muddy. I clearly can't deny having been in the woods. I don't saying anything to him as I stop before him lowering my head.

"Hannah I need to talk to you" he says with a tone I can't seem to figure out. Is he mad? Or sad?

Before I can answer Tatiana open the front door "Girl you are so late! You need to shower and change immediately! We are not arriving late!"

"Sorry" I hurry inside and into my bedroom. I strip down and take a quick shower in the bathroom. I put on the robe as Nelly knocks on the door.

"Need any help?" She ask and put down a bag on the bed. She is wearing beautiful red dress that looks like it could be painted onto her body. "I'm pretty good at hair and makeup. And I brought some shoes" she says and pulls out a hairdryer and a pair of black stilettos. I have never worn stilettos before and those do not look comfortable!

I dry my hair with the hairdryer Nelly brought and I even put som products in my hair that Nelly brought as well. She said it was good for my curls. When I'm done Nelly pins some of the hair back and apply a bit of makeup. It took a bit of convincing but I finally caved. She is standing at an arms length and doesn't touch me, only letting the brushes touch my skin. She probably doesn't want to witness another episode.

I try on the shoes but they are incredibly hard to walk in. "Told you T! She is slaying that dress!" Nelly says as Tatiana enters the room. She is wearing a little golden dress that is complementing her dark skin tone beautifully.

I'm walking around my room trying to get the hang of these shoes, and I'm definitely improving but still not as skilled as Nelly in her 6 inch stilettos. I asked her if I could just wear flat shoes but she said it would ruin the outfit and Tatiana agreed.

"Well I guess we are ready! Let's go" Tatiana take a final look in the mirror and walks out the door. "We definitely are!" Nelly agrees and look at me. "I'm just bringing a pair of flats in case I need them" I say and pull out a pair of shoes from the closet. It is one of the pairs Marc gave me. They aren't exactly the best shoes for a run in the woods, but definitely better than high heels.

As we walk out into the hallway I hear a low rumble that makes me stop for a second. Why would he do that? Is he warning me? Is he angry?

"Damn you ladies are looking fine as hell!" Jason says and whistle. Both Simon and Marc growls a bit.

I look up and meet a pair of eyes staring right at me. I never noticed that Marc's eyes change color. They change slightly from a chocolate brown to a golden brown and they they become darker. Almost black but still with golden flakes. I look down and hope that the change of color isn't because he is mad at me. I probably shouldn't have looked him directly in the eyes.

Before I lowered my head I noticed the nice black suit Marc is wearing. It looks like it was made specifically for him as is hugs his broad shoulders and chest but slims in a bit at the waist. The suit is shiny and looks brand new.

Simon, Tatiana, Jason and Nelly walk down the stairs and as I'm about to follow i missteps and loose balance. I reach for something to hold on to and grab an arm. Marc has one arm around my waist and supports my arm with the other. "Are you okay" he asks and slowly releases me "Can you stand on your foot? Or does it hurt?"

"I'm fine. Thank you" I say not sure what to do with myself. These shoes are not made for walking! And how am I supposed to walk down the stairs?

I slip out of the shoes and pick them up before walking down the stairs barefoot. I hear a small laugh from Marc "Barefoot Cinderella stile. I love it" I can't help but smile a bit. Cinderella was my favorite movie as a child.

As we reach the cars I'm met by a new challenge. Marc's truck has a step that won't be easy in these things. I open the door and as I place a hand on the handle on the inside of the door Marc says "do you need a hand Cinderella?" But before he makes it to my side I have pulled myself up into the seat. "Well I guess not" he says and turn around.

"Hannah there is something I want to talk to you about. Uhm.. Well.." then his phone rings interrupting him. The sound is far louder than any phone I have ever heard before making me flinch "why is so loud?" I ask and look around trying to locate where the sound is coming from. "My phone is connected to the car" he says and look at the screen inside the car. 'Kendall' it says. He press the red button and the sound stops. "Uhm.. sorry.. where was I? Oh right.." and the the sound of the phone interrupts again and the same name appear. He hits the red button once again.

"Don't mind me, you can answer if you want" I hope he doesn't think that he has to entertain me. I understand that he would rather talk with her than me.

He pulls up at the pack house and park the car.

"Can we talk alone when we get home? I have some things I would like to get off my chest" he sounds a bit nervous. Maybe I'm reading something into it that I shouldn't. I have never seen him nervous before so why should he be nervous now?

"Sure" I say not quite sure what other options I have. If everything goes well I won't be at the house after the party.

We all walk inside the pack house where a massive crowd is gathered. So many wolfs in one place.

"Babe? I tried to call you?" A voice sounds from behind us.

Kendal walks up to Marc and leans in trying to give him a kiss but Marc moves back. "Don't" he says bluntly. Kendal is wearing a beautiful silver dress. It has an open back and a very deep cut that reveals a lot of her breast.

"We are seated over here babe" she says and walk towards a table in the middle. Nelly and Tatiana walks after her whilst whisper something to each other. Jason and Simon fallows them.

Marc takes a deep breath and exhale harshly. He seems tense and annoyed. I wonder what I did? Maybe that is what he wants to talk about. Maybe I did something wrong. Only the more reason to get going.

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