Chapter 3:

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Hannah POV:
I'm standing frozen against the wall. I think my heart might actually have stopped beating for a moment. Afraid to look up and face the creature that made that terrifying sound I stare at the floor right before my feet like my life depends on it - because I think it quite literally does.

"I apologize on behalf of my warrior. I promise he will behave nicely from now on. Isn't that right?" Alpha Leon says in a stern tone.

"No need to apologize Alpha Leon" Councilman Tom says with a hint of concern in his voice. The sound seems to have scared him as well.

I stare at my old worn shoes. Once they were white and shiny, but now they are a sad gray color and has holes in both soles. I stare at a dirty spot on my right shoe and try to distract myself. I feel a pair of eyes starring at me and it makes my heart beat even faster. At one point it is beating so hard that I feel like I can hear it. I wipe my sweaty hands off in my dress and pray that the meeting is over soon. I could really use some fresh air.

"Well, we should all get ready for the meeting. Please do feel at home. We have guest rooms for all of you where you can relax and freshen up. I will lead you to the guest wing and show you to your rooms" says Luna Mary and gets up from her chair.

The relief washes through me. I can't wait to get out of here. Hopefully Victor won't need me right away and I will be able to step outside.

Without looking up I follow the others out. As I walk out the door a man takes a step forward and I walk into his arm. His muscular frame doesn't even budge from the impact.

"Sorry sir" I say quickly and step around him to keep up with the others. I hope I didn't insult him or made him angry. I should have looked where I was going. Very stupidly done by me. Hopefully Victor didn't notice the incident. He wouldn't accept that I caused a scene like that. He would be very mad.

Luna Mary leads us through the house and down a hallway with several doors.

"Tom and Alexa this is yours. Andrea this is yours and Victor yours is this one. Hannah are you going to stay with Andrea or do you want your own room?" Ask Luna Mary as she takes a step closer to me.

"She stays with me" Victor says dryly.

I feel my heart beat fast again. I nod and accept the order.

"I don't think that would be particularly appropriate Victor. She's not your girlfriend, is she? Or have I missed something," Marry ask in a superior voice.

"No she certainly is not!" Victor says with disgust practically dripping from him.

"Well then, your own room is what you get. Feel free to take this one honey" Mary leads me to a room next to Andreas. "It's a little small I'm afraid," Mary says, opening the door. The room is twice as big as the one I share with two others at home, and has a large nice bed in the middle, two nice bedside tables and a closet. It even has a private bathroom. This is a lot nicer than I deserve.

"I can't accept it Luna Mary. I'm just a servant, I shouldn't take so much of your space"

I turn around to leave, but she moves in front of me blocking the exit. "You're not my servant, you're my guest Hannah. So I would like you to use this room. There are fresh towels in the bathroom and should you need anything else let me know. Your bag will be brought to you soon"

She gives me a quick smile then leaves the room and closes the door behind her. I walk into the bathroom and smile as I see that it not only has a shower but also a bathtub. On the wall is a shelf with big soft towels and next to it hangs a white bathrobe. I turn around and look in the mirror. I have to look twice at the girl looking back at me. She is thin and pale with dark circles under the blue and gray eyes. Her dark brown hair is gathered in a long loose braid that ends just below her chest. She looks tired and worn out. No trace of the once vivid and happy girl that she once was.

After my bag arrives, I turn on the hot water and pour myself a bath. I sink into the water and feel my sore muscles begin to relax. The soap that was already in the bathroom has a nice vanilla scent. I squeeze some of it into the water and inhale the lovely scent. I sit back and close my eyes, shut everything out and just relax.

A loud knock on the door wakes me up and I look around frantically. Did I fall asleep? What time is it? I hurry to wrap the bathrobe around me, and run to the door. When I open it I am met by a very angry Victor.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He looks down at my bathrobe, his face revealing how angry he is. The pulse in his forehead shows and his skin has become completely red. "Do you think this is a vacation?" He slaps me across the face, causing me to fall backwards. My skin burns and the tears that are now escaping my eyes only intensifies the pain as they run across my cheeks. I pull my robe back into place and hold my head down.

"Get dressed. Now!" he screams at me.

I get up from the floor and take the dress and underwear lying on the bed. I go towards the bathroom to put on my clothes, but then I stop when I hear his voice

"Have I given you permission to go? No. Come back and put on your clothes" he says.

I slowly turn around and go back to the bed knowing that it will only get worse if I do not do as he says. I put on my panties first. Unfortunately, I can't get the bra on without taking the robe off first. With my back to him, I remove the robe and put on my bra and a clean white dress. I don't have time to do my usual braid, so I let my hair hang loosely over my shoulders. It must look like a complete disaster, but I can't do anything about it now. I follow Victor out and into Tom and Alexa's room, where Andrea is also waiting.

They begin the spell that we didn't get to finish at home, and I feel every bit of the energy I had just gathered leaving my body again. The spell is powerful and requires a lot of energy to perform. I feel my eyes grow heavy and the sound of the spell being said becomes more and more indistinct. My legs feel wobbly and the room starts to spin.

"FOCUS! You little bitch!" I hear Victor shout, but even though he's standing right in front of me, the sound is vague.

Then everything around me goes dark.

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