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Advances A/N : this chapter is long. I'm sorry, i just can't help it:(

Monday was just Monday. Boring, tiring and super long. But i somehow bypassed it. I was waiting for Lee to come that day but he didn't so i texted him when i was at the library. I was worried because i didn't hear from him since the day we met at Robbin's

ME : You didn't show up today. Where you at?

It took him a while to reply, but when he did, my heart sunk deep in my body and my breath was stuck in my throat

LEE : Maya got so sick this morning. I had to skip

I replied immediately because i was worried about her

ME : What's wrong??!

ME : Did something happen to her?

ME : Wait, I'm gonna call you

I held my phone near my ear and waited for him to pick up. It took him a couple of rings to pick up but i breathed out when he did

" What's wrong Lee? Where are you now?" i said. I heard his breathing throughout the phone

" Uh.. I'm at the hospital.. I.. I tried to wake her up and.. And.. An.." he kept stuttering the whole time which made it hard for me to understand him

" Slowly.. Take a deep breath and then talk Okey? It's gonna be Okey" i told him while trying to hide between the bookshelves. I was afraid that the librarian will hear me

" She was throwing up after she woke up and.. And she was so hot.. Uh.. I didn't know what to do.. Or who to call.. And she's inside the room with few doctors.. I don't know what will they say.. I'm.. I'm afraid that..." he said. His voice was so shaky. I knew he was shaking by that time. I know him well enough to know that

" Listen, go grab a coffee for you and try to relax Okey? I will call my dad and he'll take care of it " i told him. My dad left to work this morning because his short holiday was over. Not to mention how he kept bragging about missing his work the night he cooked spaghetti with meat balls for us

" Really? You'll do that? " he seemed to be surprised. But it is my job as a friend. If i didn't help him in situation like this, I'm sure he will be disappointed. Especially when he knows that my dad is a famous doctor in that hospital

" Yes. Now go to rest in the waiting room. I have to call dad now" i told him and hang out the call. I peeked through the bookshelves, afraid that the librarian may see me. I mean whatever happened to NO PHONES in the library?

I dialed my father's phone number and waited for him to pick up. It took him a few seconds to pick up.

" Hey Olive, what's wrong?!" dad said. He had a thing in him whenever people call him to check on him or just to talk, he tends to say WHAT'S WRONG every time. He's always ready to face the troubles

" Uh nothing. I just wanna tell you about a friend of mine. His sister is in the hospital for some reason and i was hoping if you could go and check out on her" i whispered, trying my best to keep my voice low. I didn't know why the hell i didn't leave the library and talked in the hallway

" Yes sure. Give me her full name and I'll head over to her now" Dad said and i felt relieved that i actually could help Lee

" Uh her name is Maya Yun Chan" i told him, not exactly sure about her name. I think she had two names. I didn't know how Japanese names worked

" Oh and dad. Can you check out on her brother Lee for me? He's so worried about her" i asked him to do me that favor. I wished i could ditch school and visit him but mom would kill me if I'd do that

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