Chapter Three

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As i walked out of the building, i headed straight to the cafeteria, i didn't even notice how the morning periods passed, i was zoning out the whole time

I sat on our usual table but Jessa wasn't there, probably late in the line because of waiting for food, i looked around scanning the place for something, or someone to be specific, then i saw who was i looking for

William was sitting in his usual place picking on his food, he seemed to be in a deep thoughts, i stared at him for few minutes, then he lifted his head and looked back at me, our eyes met and i didn't like whatever i felt when he did that, it was a weird feeling that made my blood boil and rise to my cheeks, causing me to blush, i tried to take away my gaze but then i saw someone approaching him, it was Rebecca Jones, one of the swimming members, very likable and sweet, Rebecca sat in front of him, they talked for a few minutes, he smiled back at her and i didn't like it somehow

" why would you feel jealous of her because he smiled at her while you Don't even like him Olive?" i asked myself in a quiet tone, then she left, leaving him alone again, he looked at me again to see that i was still looking at him, i may seemed like a total creep to him and i felt a little embarrassed about that.


I looked up to see that Jessa was standing next to me while holding her food, frowning while looking down at me, i bet she was there for a long time

" When did you arrive?" i asked, nodding at her to take a seat instead of standing like the liberty statue

" few minutes ago when you were digging holes on Rebecca's back" she said, was i really that obvious?, okey that was a bit embarrassing

" where's Jason?" i asked, isn't he supposed to have lunch with us now? Since they're a thing already, thinking about that, i remembered. She was literally hiding something from me, i know my best friend well to know when she's trying to hide something from me

" He has a football practice so he couldn't make it" she said while looking around the place, she was avoiding eye contact with me, now that was a sign

" what's up, what are you hiding from me" i tried to figure out what the heck is going on with her

" nothing why would you think that?"

" i know you too well, now spit out whatever you're hiding" i threaten her,

" Okey, Jason asked me to be his girlfriend and.." she didn't finish what she was saying when i interrupted her and screaming

" Girlfriend???????? Already!"

" shush Olive.. It's not official yet" she said while trying to calm me, i looked around us seeing that people were already looking at me

" oh wow, Jason is a brave guy, i like that about him" i told her while eating some of my food

" yes, he said he want us to hang out after school and.. He asked me to ask you to come with us" she looked at me, was Jason really asking me to go with them? On their private time together? I tried not to chock on my food and tried to pretend that i wasn't panicking

" um.. Doesn't that make me a third wheel?"

" no it wouldn't, Jason is the one who told me to tell you, he said that he wants to get to know me more, and that includes you because you're my only best friend"

I hesitated a little, that was a sweet move i admit, because nobody did such a thing to me, actually nobody asked me out at all, it wasn't like he was asking me on a date, but he was asking me to go out with them and that was beyond nice

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