Chapter Two

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I woke up the next morning to my usual morning routine, from brushing my teeth and combing my hair, i went downstairs to find that my mom was the only one who was in the kitchen, dad must've went to work already, i greeted her and she pushed a bowl of cereal in my direction, we ate in silence, like any other day because that was how our life was, we mostly sat in silence and non of us were bothered by that

Few minutes later i received a text from Jessa, saying that she can't pick me up today because Jason offered to pick her up, and i smiled when i saw that, it was such a relief to find out that Jason was doing that, he had never drove some girl to our school and knowing he was going to do that for her  meant that he kind of liked her

" Why are smiling like an idiot Olive?" mom said, trying to see what was i looking at on my phone

" Nothing important" i said and my grin went wider

" Are you sure? Because i can see your teeth from here"

" Jason is picking up Jessa today" i replied while taking my Bowl to put it in the sink

" but doesn't that mean that you have to walk to school? Shouldn't you feel upset about it?" mom said, well i won't deny the fact that i disliked walking to school but i waited for this to happen since our freshman year and since it was finally happening i couldn't be more than happy

" Well yes, but you know that she was crushing over Jason since forever, walking doesn't matter if she's happy"

" Oh how sweet of you, do you want me to drive you?" mom asked, and no because work wasn't from that way

" no, but i got to go mom, i don't want to be late, bye see you later"

I could hear her saying that she loves me while i was closing the door, i started to walk down the street and before reaching the old depository i saw that the person who got inside the day before was getting out, and looking around, i was a few steps away from it and when he got out, almost being able to see me, i hid myself behind a huge tree and tried to catch my breath, even though he was a bit far away but i was afraid that he might see me

I tried to peek at him from behind the tree, and i knew that this person was someone who i knew, i couldn't remember.

When he was a bit far, i started walking to school, whoever was this guy, he sure had something to do inside that abandoned depository, my curiosity was eating me alive, i needed to know who he was and what he was doing there, maybe it was a bet? I thought to myself and i secretly wished that because living in such place was not a good thing

When i arrived to the Crossroads i found out that the guy from earlier was nowhere to be seen

" Okey Olive.. I guess you'll have to find out who he is later" i said to myself while taking the main street

I went straight to my locker after reaching school, grabbed a few of my stuff and waited a little bit for my dark haired best friend to come and tell me everything, after a while i saw her walking toward me and i almost fainted because she wasn't coming alone, i threw at her a meaningful smile, the one i usually give her whenever something was up and she glared at me, i think that she was threatening me not to say anything

I wasn't going to , because i wasn't good at communicating with others anyway, she kissed my cheek and smiled at me

" Heyy Olive, meet Jason, Jason this is Olive" she said and i turned to see him, he gave me his famous beautiful smile and i immediately blushed

" nice to meet you Olive, i heard a lot about you" he said and i almost forgot to reply at him, that made me feel like i forgot my manners at home

" nice to meet you too Jason" i said in a weak voice, i didn't like Jason that way, because she already liked him, but i blamed it on my weak communication skills, she looked at me in a confused way and i asked her what was the matter with her in a quiet voice while walking down the hall with Jason

Now Jason was a bit known in our school and seeing him walking next to Jessa and me made all the students population looking towards us, and i certainly did not like that feeling, being the center of attention wasn't my thing

Apparently, Jason and my best friend was walking me to my first class, that was such a nice thing to do but i felt like third wheel, i stopped and took a look inside the class and then i looked at her and i asked

" Jess, William is absent, again"

" Maybe he moved to another country or whatever" she said and i knew that she was teasing me, but that weird feeling of sadness that filled me when she said that made me rethink about some stuff

" why would you say that?" i said while looking down at the floor

" what? Aren't you happy that he moved? Now you have no one to compete with"

I looked over Jason to find him chuckling quietly, like he was ashamed or something

" if you like him, just say so. Why are you always pretending that you hate him for being smarter than you" i gave her a look and then i said

" I absolutely don't like him, and there is no way I can feel something toward that arrogant non human being..." i didn't finish what was i saying when i saw her shifting her eyes to look behind me, her eyes were wide open and she opened her mouth to say something, then i turned my head to see what she was looking at and i wished i was everything but Olive at that moment

William was standing behind me, staring at me lazily, i turned tomato red when i found out that he heard everything i said, i don't know what happened to me but i think that i forgot my manners at home, i turned away quickly and covered my face with my hands, that was the most embarrassing situation I've ever been in my life

I heard him clearing his voice and then he said

" excuse me"

I stepped out of the way and kept glaring at her, i was thinking about cutting her neck and hanging it in my room as a souvenir and the fact that Jason was standing next to her made the situation worse

" Okey then, we need to head to our next class, see you later Olive" she said while walking away, i kept staring at her back, i may become the next serial killer because of my best friend

I went inside the class, trying to avoid William, i stared at the floor while walking and i accidentally bumped into a table and almost fell down, i tried to balance myself and apologized.

William usually sat in the first table alone and i sat a few tables behind him, that gave me the advantage of looking at him, because i disliked him of course

Math wasn't my favorite, and i tried so hard to focus but i always zoned out because it was just hard, i remember crying because i didn't know how to solve a equation once, i once again shifted my eyes to stare at William, he doesn't look like he usually does, his dirty blond hair looks darker than it usually does and his skin seems paler and he is wearing the same outfit as the last time i saw him

Knowing that i know every detail about him made me mad at myself, he probably didn't notice me until today

" Olivia Griffin, i hope you stop staring at Mr Daniels any time soon and start paying attention to the class" Mrs brown said, and i blushed and turned my eyes to look on the board, i saw that William was looking at me from his place, i felt something in my stomach, it was weird feeling and i didn't want it around

I tried to pay attention to the class but i failed, i was thinking of whatever happened to William that made him look sick and pale, and then i remembered the depository guy, i was wondering what he was doing now? Or was he coming there tonight?

" i have to find out who he is"


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