Chapter Six

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A whole week passed, I kept my promise to William and i showed up every morning to give him breakfast and every night to give him dinner.

I let him sneak into my house for a shower when my parents weren't there and i washed his clothes every time i had the chance to, i wasn't bothered by that and deep down i wished i could've done more, we didn't talk much, apart from the good morning's he gave me and the thank you, but i didn't mind because he was a calm person even before i talk to him

But lately, i felt too tired and my sleep schedule started to get worse day by day, i started waking up after two or three hours of sleep and then stay the whole night awake, all i ever done after that was thinking about William and how he was doing

I kept my word and kept telling myself that i didn't like him.. Until that night

It was a cold day, not the usual November nights we had before, the weather that day was crazy and it became even colder at night

After sneaking out at night to take dinner to William, i felt the cold air touching my face, and my nose felt colder than my whole body. When i reached the depository, i called William's name like i usually do and he opened up, holding the flashlight, i couldn't see him well but i kind of felt like he was surprised

" you shouldn't have to, it's so cold outside and you might catch a cold" he said, his tone seemed genuinely nice and sweet

" don't worry about it, I'm into cold weather anyway"

It was true, i adored the cold weather, that morning breeze in the winter and the snow, especially the snow

I headed inside this time and sat down, i looked at him and then back at where he was sleeping, he had few books around and some pens were next to them, even through the worst times he did his best to keep his graded up, and i was flattered by that

" Can i stay a bit?" i asked him, hoping he would accept, i didn't know why was i expecting him to be mean to me, Maybe because i didn't know him well, or because he never actually smiled at me, but that was okey, i didn't actually mind, or cared about that at all

" wouldn't your parents notice that you're gone?" he asked while coming to sit next to me, on the dusty floor

" I'm innocent in their eyes, and innocent people would never sneak out so yeah, they won't notice" i replied to him, he opened the lunch box and started eating while i was just... Thinking

I've spent a lot of time thinking, i eat while thinking and think before going to bed and it bothered me a lot. William is here because something happened to him and not because of me so i needed to stop thinking any time soon or my body will just give up at any moment

" you look sick" he said and i rubbed my arms because the weather was so cold, i indeed looked sick, these few days weren't very good, and i kept wondering how William is doing mentally

" I'm just tired.." i replied, he seemed concerned and that sent a bit of joy to my heart, receiving questions like these was a sweet thing to do, at least for me because the only people that cared about me were mom, dad and Jessa

" is it because of me?"

I lifted my face up and looked at his eyes, straight in the eyes, to show him that i wasn't tired because of these stupid things i do for him, he stared back at me, i noticed that he had black circles under his eyes like me, and he seems like he lost some weight

" no, I'm stressing out because of school"

He nodded and carried on eating, how terrible his life was that he had to live outside, in this cold and harsh weather

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