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The walk to Lee's home usually takes twenty minutes, but this time it took less since i was walking faster than usual. I had nothing in mind. I didn't know what to tell him or how to explain whatever i was feeling. He was going to know the truth anyway

Because by that time who didn't know about that stupid date that i didn't even accept going to.

But things changed when i saw Lee sitting on his front porch waiting for me. He was wearing a worried expression but it got way worse when he saw me. It took him a simple 'what's wrong' to hear everything from me. EVERYTHING FROM A TO Z. I wasn't planning on telling him anything. Yet i did it, for no specific reason. Sure i was feeling down a bit. Sure i wanted to talk to someone, but i wasn't expecting myself to breakdown all of a sudden

Lee on the other hand wore a shocked look on his face, his eyes were wide open. I didn't know eyes could hold that much stun in them. Lee's eyes definitely held that during the time i was talking

I've never talked that much anyway. I didn't know that talking could be this tiring

" this means he's the homeless puppy you were talking about. This makes a lot of sense now" it didn't seem funny until he finished talking and i couldn't help but to chuckle. Coming to his house wasn't disappointing at the end of the day after all.

" yes. I had no other idea in mind" i said while trying to fix my position in sitting

" What are you going to do now?"

Do what? And about who?

" This is why i am here Lee. I want an advice" i breathed out slowly, trying to control myself

" I don't know Olive. It's way complicated than it seems you know? You like William and you know he likes you back, but he refuses to tell you about his feelings. And then there is Brandon who's really sweet and you don't want to refuse going on a date with him but you also don't want to lead him on " he summarized the whole story in few sentences. Hearing it from his sounds way more complicated than it is. Or maybe it is as complicated as it sounds. I nodded at him. He took a long breath and stood up, handing out his hand for me to hold. I held his hand and stood up

" Let's walk and talk about it. You seem like you need some different air"

I started walking with him down the street. I really wish it could rain tonight. A cold night would be a good thing to reduce the stress I'm having

" Does William know that you like him"

Lee asked. Although I've never said it verbally, I'm sure he knows that i have a huge crush on him. Probably way more than a crush. He can't be that stupid

" Yes, i mean i never really told him but I'm sure he knows. I gave him tons of hints before"

" Despite how intelligent you are. Both of you two are also so stupid you know? You're waiting for him to confess and he's waiting for you to confess and you'll both end up waiting"

I turned to look at him only to find him looking at me, he held a look of disappointment. It wasn't funny i know but it made me laugh for a second. I realised that i am really stupid, so stupid till the point where i didn't think about it that way. Not at all

He nudged me lightly and i smiled at him. Then i remembered that he also had some problems at home. I was too selfish to notice that. I was only focusing on myself and my silly problems

If they were actual problems

" You're turn" i told him and he threw me a confused look

" My turn?"

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