Chapter Ten

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I told my parents

Like five minutes ago

And not because i wanted to tell them, but because they found out that i was sneaking out at night

My whole " good girl" reputation was screwed, I'm no longer an innocent good girl in their eyes

But really? Does it matter?

I had dinner with both mom and dad tonight, and i could barely eat because all i was thinking of was William, i was afraid that i won't find him tonight too

What if i stop thinking about him? Would it make it easier for me to go back to my old life? Before seeing him in the depository?

I don't think so

" what's wrong Olive, you barley touched your food" mom said, i lifted my head and looked at her, she had that and worried look on her face, the one that i didn't like

" no actually, it's delicious" i told her and tried to eat, and leave William behind

" So, how's school going? Have you thought about what university you are going to attend" my dad asked

There are plenty of choices, and i could choose any university i wanted because my grades were really good, and i knew that any of them would accept me, i just don't know what am i waiting for, till now i still don't know what am i going to study

I needed to choose something i love, something that would make me feel exited when i wake up in the morning, i don't want to hate Mondays because of work, i want to miss Mondays

I already thought about becoming a doctor, it sounded existing, the idea of helping other people, saving their lives and drawing smiles on their faces seemed like a great idea

I didn't know what i am waiting for

" not really, I'm still trying to find out what i really want" i replied to his question

" take your time, we don't want you to regret your choices later" dad said, and it hit me hard

" Did you ever regretted not choosing football?" i asked him, dad was a football player back in his time, but that didn't distract him from keeping his grades up, he had the chance to choose football but i guess it wasn't as important to him as becoming a doctor

" No, i loved playing football but that wasn't my dream, i was pretty sure that i wanted to become a doctor, so that what i chose, i didn't want to chase a dream that wasn't mine, i didn't want to play football because my father wanted me to, or become an engineer because that was my mother's dream, i wanted to study medicine because that was what i really wanted, because i saw myself in this, and i want you to do the same, where do you see yourself? What would make you want to wake up everyday with excitement, i want you to choose right "

I thought of what my dad said, and it did make sense, he was good at his work, heck, he was actually great at what he did, he was the best doctor in the local hospital and it is because he loved what he did, he loved helping people a lot

" yea you're right, i need to think through it" i told them, we finished our dinner together and i couldn't even bring the subject of William to them and it made me feel like a total idiot

I hated myself for that

Later that night, i sneaked out and headed to William, i made sure that both of my parents were asleep, i was worried that he may not find him, but wasn't that a good thing? Wasn't that what i wanted?

It's true, i wanted William to go back home, to have people around him, people that actually cared about him, i wanted him to have warm bed and warm food, i wanted him to sleep well, unlike the sleep he's getting in that cold place

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