Chapter One

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You find the good in the people that you Don't know, and you find the bad in the people you know, that was what someone told me when i first met them, at first i didn't understand what they meant because how could someone you know very well do you wrong?

I wasn't that old to know what he meant, but the person who told me that was the same age as me and that made me wonder for a long time about what he said

I lived in a good environment, safe and had pretty much a normal childhood, where my dad taught me how to ride the bike in our safe neighborhood, and where my mom cried on the first day of school because she was going to miss having me in the kitchen with her, I've never had the idea of having a toxic parents or living in a terrible place where you have to do everything just so you can stay the night in your own home, where it is supposed to be the safest place on earth, i didn't know how it felt like and I've never imagined that there are some people who suffer this way, not until i met him

I didn't really meet him, i knew him before, he was the smartest guy in our school, he was just a total genius and i just didn't like him for that reason, because i literally pushed myself to the point where i studied day and night just to reach out to wherever he was but i couldn't. His name was William Daniels, he wasn't just smart, he was handsome mysterious and super cold, but that was what i heard from the gossiping, i didn't know him personally and i didn't want to get to know him either, it was pretty selfish of me to think of that and i will never deny the fact that i was jealous of him for being smart

William sat alone almost all the time, he ate lunch alone at the school's cafeteria and sat alone in the class, i noticed that just because i was jealous of him that's all but my friend thought otherwise, she said that i liked him a lot to the point where i didn't know how i felt like, and that the way i looked at him will never be the look of  hate.

It didn't make sense to me of course, i knew very well how i felt like and it was everything but admiration

I was closing my locker when i felt hands around my waist, pulling me back, i turned to see that it was Jessa, of course because she was the only person i hang out with almost all the time, i knew other people but Jessa was my best friend,

" hey, are you ready to go?" i asked while closing my backpack, she gave me one weird look and i didn't like that look
" um I'm sorry but i can't drive you home today Olive, Jason is taking me to the ice-cream shop" she said and i chocked on my own saliva at her words, i turned to look at her and she was beyond happy

" Jason? Like in Jason Smithers? Oh my god you're kidding right? When did he asked you that? Why didn't you tell me? Are you hiding something from me? "

She gave me a weird look and her expression softened

" no I'm not, he asked me during our French class together and that's why i couldn't tell you, because it's my last class, jeez Olive you're scary when you get things wrong " she said while we were walking toward her car

" Oh.. That's great I'm so happy for you, now go, he's waiting for you, tell me everything when you get home okey? " i told her then she kissed my cheek and turned to her car, i waves at her and went to the bus station so i can go home

Usually Jessa was the one who drove me home, and it was like that since she got her car, it was always me and her, but since she was going on a date, i couldn't stop her, she liked Jason since forever and now those painful years of having a crush on him were finally paying off, i couldn't do a single thing for her but to be happy, Finally.

I waited for the bus for almost twenty minutes and still there was nothing, and since my parents were at work that meant that i had to walk home instead of waiting another twenty minutes.

I was humming an old song that i forgot it lyrics and knew the melody while walking, it was a normal day, just like any other boring day of the year, and while walking i was thinking, how great it would be if i had someone to walk with right now, it'd be a good thing, but then i started thinking about William, he didn't show up to school this week and i was curious about the reason why, it wasn't his thing to skip the school like that, even on his worst days, he showed up, like that one time when he was so sick but he still showed up, i silently cursed myself for thinking about him that way, he was the enemy and i shouldn't think about him at all, even though I'm pretty sure he never noticed me, just like he doesn't notice anyone else in our school.

The walk home takes 30 minutes, and because i was walking slowly, it took more than that, and i blamed those extra minutes for pretty much everything that happened to me after that day

Before reaching home, there was that one old depository few houses away from my house that was abandoned for several years, my dad said that someone set it on fire in the sake of revenge the year i was born in and it stayed that way since, i was always curious about it, i wanted to see how it looked like from the inside, but being this coward stopped me from doing it, nobody got inside, nobody checked it out or anything, even the government wasn't allowed to because it was a private property, while looking at it from afar, i saw someone getting inside, i slowed down a bit and kept looking, the person was probably nervous and he was looking around, like he was afraid that someone might see him and then he got inside

For some reason i felt like i knew that person, but i didn't know who he was exactly, i didn't think about it that much, i just passed by and went straight home

When i got inside the house, i noticed that mom and dad weren't home yet, so i took off my shoes and went straight to my bed room and changed to my comfy clothes, i was going to eat junk food and watch Tv until my parents got home, it was such a nice idea.

There was almost nothing to do at home apart from watching TV or studying, i looked around for a bit and i hated when i did that, i was doing it on purpose, i was looking for a door, a familiar door with a name on it, a familiar name that i tried my best not to cry when i was reminded of it, but there it was, a white door with a few letters on the top of it " TYLER" it said, non of us dared to change a single thing, not even taking off those letters of the door, we all agreed to leave it that way because we didn't want to forget whoever lived there once, we pretended that he was still there, probably playing video games and ignoring us

I looked back at the TV and tried to focus on it for a while, until i heard the door open, when i turned to see who it was, i saw mom getting inside looking extremely pretty, holding bags of groceries and struggling to close the door, i stood up and helped her with the bags

" i don't know how you do it mom but you really look like you just fixed yourself "

She laughed at my expression " Oh honey that's so sweet of you, but i don't know how i do it myself"

" you're not gonna tell me huh?" i said sarcastically, trying to tease her

" not until you get a real job kiddo"

We laughed and talked until dad arrived from the hospital today was the day shift which means that he will spend the night at home , and then we had dinner like any other day, watched some TV together and went to our beds so we can start another day, nobody knew that the upcoming days were going to be full of new things because we had a stable life

I sat on my bed thinking for a while and then i forced myself to sleep, if i wanted to keep my grades up, i needed a good rest, and then i thought of William once again, for no reason, i wondered if he was okey? But then again he was my enemy, even though he didn't know that or knew me.

I was acting weird and that's where i shut my eyes and slept, i needed to stop thinking about that handsome genius at some point.


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