Chapter Eight

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Morning period passed by quickly and it made me happy for that, because i needed to go to the library to grab a book for my history article

I felt like i was avoiding Jessa and it made me feel guilty so i decided to go to the cafeteria first to meet up with her, i wished i could tell her about William, i wished i could tell her what was wrong with me, but it wasn't up to me, he made me promise him not to tell anyone and it wasn't my story to share it with my friends, so i decided to shut my mouth and pretend that i was totally okey

Despite the hair incident, i decided to convince my best friend that i was okey by asking her to do something fun after school or on the weekend, that would make her less suspicious about the situation

I drew a fake smile on my face and went straight to our table after grabbing my tray of food , Jessa wasn't there as usual, this time she was with Jason and others and not in our usual table..

I slowed down a bit, and i looked around for Lee, i saw him sitting with his friends at their usual table, i was going to go there or just leave the whole cafeteria but then Jessa saw me and called my name, i froze and turned to look at her then i walked there, feeling a bit anxious

As i said before, Jason was one of those popular students around, because he was a football player, and all of his friends were on the team, they all ate at the same table with some of the swimming team members, when i got close i saw Rebecca sitting there, talking to one of her friends, she looked extremely pretty and it made me feel bad about myself for looking like a little girl

When i got closer, Jessa pulled out a chair and told me to sit down next to her, and next to me sat Rebecca, then she introduce me to them, i recognized some of them from previous classes that we shared in the last few years, they gave me waves, handshakes and smiles, most of them were nice and some others were just not interested, mostly the girls from the swimming team, but not Rebecca..

Rebecca was super nice and it made me feel guilty for feeling jealous of her, she talked to me and asked me some questions about myself in a polite way, she was just a polite girl and so likeable that it made me hate myself even more, instead of being a cruel rude girl, Rebecca had to be so nice, of course

I found it kind of hard to communicate with others most of the time, and this time i tried my best not to embarrass myself in front of them, i received questions once in a while and i tried to answer them without panicking, while i was busy not eating my food, i overheard Rebecca's friend who i didn't remember what her name was asking Rebecca about the one and the only William

'' What the hell happened between you and William? Care to share? " she said sarcastically and at that moment, i felt like my heart was dropped on the floor and someone stepped on it, it wasn't right that i felt that way, he was nothing to me, he was just William, he wasn't mine..

" Nothing, he said that he liked another girl, that's why he rejected me" Rebecca said and her tone was so sad that it made me feel sorry for her more than i felt sorry for myself, i didn't hear whatever they were talking about after that because i was thinking of William, whoever he liked was so lucky because it's William that we're talking about, not just any other person, it kind of hurt me to hear that, it hurt me that Rebecca and i were in the same position, we both liked a guy who liked another girl, i guess i should just give up, because fighting for what isn't mine is terrifying, tiring and painful and i didn't want to get hurt

I wasn't paying attention to whatever was happening around me until Jessa snapped me out of my thoughts

" hey, ARE YOU THERE?" she said while waving her hand up and down to see if i was actually paying attention, i nodded in agreement but then i started picking up my things in order to go to the library to look for a book for my history article, i was supposed to give it today but Mrs Hamilton told me that it was okey to give it to her next time, which was tomorrow, so i had to do it tonight

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