Chapter 053

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The door opened, and Chen Shiming looked at him suspiciously: "Have you had breakfast?"

"Eat." Chen Qizhao ran past him, ran to the back seat, and swept Special Assistant Xu as he passed.

Chen Shiming glanced at him suspiciously, but didn't say anything. He asked Special Assistant Xu to raise the baffle of the front seat, and then continued to discuss with him the arrangement of today's work.

Xu Tezhu carefully looked at the status of his boss and his younger brother, and noticed that the other party had no unnecessary emotions, so he felt relieved and continued to advance the work.

The atmosphere in the car was as usual. The driver in the front seat was the driver of the company. Xu Tezhu took out a few things from the folder and handed them to Chen Shiming. Chen Qizhao sat in the back seat and carefully observed the situation in the car. When he saw the baffle with the driver's seat raised, his eyes sank a little, and he threw something in his hand into the crevice of the seat behind him.

"Some projects are already on the right track. If nothing else, there will be several special meetings next week, which should focus on discussing the details of this quarter's projects..."

In the middle of Xu's words, he suddenly heard the sound of the back seat.

He stopped talking, noticing the look of his boss looking back.

"What is this? Are you going to let it knock people out?"

At this time, the two looked back, and Chen Qizhao, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly took out a small black thing from the seat cushion, he pinched the thing in his hand and looked at it, frowning slightly, "What thing, you guys dropped ?"

Seeing this, Special Assistant Xu stopped and took a closer look: "Are those parts left over from yesterday's car maintenance?"

Chen Qizhao glanced at Chen Shiming out of the corner of his eye, pinched it and looked closer, his voice a little louder: "I don't know, there is something inside that looks like a chip... Wait a minute, why does this thing look familiar. "

The black thing was about the size of a human thumb, cube-shaped, and looked a bit like a plastic casing from a distance.

Chen Shiming didn't pay much attention at first, but after hearing the words, he glanced at it more, and he paused for a moment: "Show me."

"I don't know, it's like a chip part." Chen Qizhao simply gave him the thing, "Didn't you drop it? Then who dropped it on this car?"

Chen Shiming took a look and his eyes sank, "This is not a car part."

He suddenly looked at Chen Qizhao: "Where did you find this thing?"

Chen Qizhao pretended not to know, moved aside and pointed at the gap in the seat: "That's it, the color is similar to the leather chair, I just accidentally knocked it over."

He pointedly said: "How can a car have such a part, this thing is a bit like what I saw in a magazine... oh, bug."

The GPS locator is placed on Chen Shiming. According to the battery time, the time for the other party to act is estimated to be within half a month. Chen Qizhao is unable to determine when the damn truck will appear, nor does he know it will appear on the road that Chen Shiming must travel. Which intersection... He can't directly throw this thing away. Lin Shizhong will let someone put this thing in the car. If the GPS disappears and the other side finds out, Chen Qizhao can't judge or predict that the other side will come up with any crazy tactics.

So this GPS can't be lost, but at the same time he can't sit still.

It's hard to prevent thieves. After all, after his rebirth, the only thing he can predict is a car accident, and he can't count it out.

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