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NOTE: Hey guys!

How are you guys doing? Sorry I haven't updated sooner. I've good news though, my mum is at home now, and she's doing a lot better! Uni is still insane, and I'm still working two jobs, so I'm sorry if the chapter is not great.

Anyways, another chapter is up and I hope you enjoy it!


The days following the first task went as quickly as possible. March came with dry weather, and after the second task, Elisa had officially returned. She and Jamie were rarely apart, and Archie and Mia were almost always together as Adrian was becoming gradually more distant for some reason that was still completely unknown.

Finally, the next outing to Hogsmeade was coming up, and Jamie was convinced he would take Elisa on the best date of her life. Mia, on the other hand, had convinced Adrian to accompany her to the village so they could talk about whatever was bothering him. Since his two friends were going on dates, Archie decided he would use the time to go to the village owlery to see if he had received the crystal phial for the Animagus potion he had requested.

By now, the three of them were almost finishing the required time with the Mandrake leaf in their mouths. A fact; that Archie was thanking the heavens since he didn't know how much longer he could put up with Mia complaining that she couldn't eat because of the bush in her mouth.

On the Friday before the trip, the news of Harry being in love with Hermione had spread around the students through a magazine. Which, as the four had noticed, didn't really please Viktor.

"Does he really believe that?" questioned Mia, lying on Archie's bed with her head hanging off the edge and hair dragging on the floor while her legs were bent.

"Ah, it makes sense, doesn't it? They're always together, and I noticed that Viktor always tried to get her attention when Harry was around because Hermione wouldn't stop paying attention to him," Elisa justified, stretching her legs over Jamie's lap.

"I think it makes sense too. Hermione's a pretty girl, and nothing gets it out of my head that this pickiness Weasley has with her is because of the massive crush he has on her," Archie commented, sitting down next to Mia, lifting the girl's legs and spreading his own, before depositing them back on his lap.

Jamie gave a loud laugh.

"I thought I was the only one who had noticed," he spoke with a chuckling tone.

"I do agree that Weasley has a crush on her. But she, having a crush on Harry? She's supposed to be clever, no?" said Mia, and Lisa giggled slightly.

"You've been complaining about Harry a lot lately. Did you two ever even talk?" questioned the blonde.

"Do I, by any chance, need to talk to someone to dislike them?" retorted Euphemia.

"Yes," stated Archer.

"Rubbish," Mia retorted.

"He didn't even offer to help me when I stayed behind to help him since he was stupid enough to think the music was real. I'd say that's a good enough reason for me not to like him," Mia pondered.

"Or is it because he didn't give a crap about you?" teased Elisa, and the other made a face at her.

"That he has a bad taste is no secret to anyone," Mia grumbled.

Elisa gave a loud laugh.

"Aw, Jay. Looks like your brother hurt someone's ego," she teased, and the other girl fumbled the bed, picking up a pillow and throwing it at her.

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