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Uni is taking a loooot of my time. I've been so busy with work, studying and stuff. I apologize for taking so long.

By the way, thank you all for the votes!

Hope you like it! Please, let me know your thoughts about it.



Jamie dragged his suitcase into the back of his house, his insides vibrating with joy and anxiety. After a long, boring holiday, he was finally returning to the castle. The only place he had peace. There was no looking out for Harry, no arguing for useless things with his dad, and no being overlooked by his mom. There was just him, looking out for himself and his friends.

Jamie had noticed that his parents were still not speaking much to him and assumed it was because he knew more about Voldemort than they expected. He understood why they were shocked, he just found it very dumb. 

So he knew a lot about Voldemort, what's so big about it? The man had tried to murder them all, it made sense Jamie was so curious about him. Weird would it be if he didn't felt like he needed to understand what happened that night, and why they were so special. Perhaps, he thought, they assumed he was interested in becoming a Death Eater. His father definitely thought so, as he had said a couple of times. Still, Jay wasn't exactly sad that they were not talking to him. He preferred silence to small talk, so he didn't bother spending the rest of the summer cooped up inside his room.

People at that house weren't used to seeing him very often, anyway. But the jinx the pulled on the lock of the drawing-room made it impossible for him to use the floo network and visit Archer's house for the day. He had done that practically every summer since his first year without his parents even noticing. This time, however, nothing he tried could open the lock.

Things weren't much different from what they usually were, and Jamie was completely okay with that. The only weird thing was that he still thought his parents were hiding something from him. They all acted so suspicious it was hard not to feel like something was wrong. Harry was still exchanging letters with someone named "Padfoot", or, as Jamie had noticed in the last few letters he stole from his brother's bedroom, "Snuffles". Jamie noticed that his dad everlasting cheerful mood remained for the rest of the summer, and his mom had forgotten about what happened on the Quidditch Cup in just a couple of days.

Needless to say, she completely forgot about that Black guy.

It was all still very odd to him, but he decided to ignore it. If they didn't want to tell him what was going on, well, then he had no interest in knowing. Jamie wouldn't be around much longer, anyway. It would be pointless to be thinking about it, at least for the time being. Probably they didn't think that, whatever it was, concerned him. Meaning, it probably did.

It was always like that, anyway. It wasn't surprising, so it was useless to worry about it. They would let him know soon or later after they decided something and then, Jamie would be pissed about it. That was the pattern. It was exactly because he knew that, that Jay simply put the subject aside. Other than that, his summer passed in the most ordinary way possible. Lily was affectionate, but not much. Jamie ignored his father, and James ignored his son. Harry would leave in the morning and come back late afternoon, and sometimes, would bring Ron and Hermione to spend the day there.

Nothing much happened after the Quidditch Cup, and now, finally, Jamie was free.

The boy arrived in the garden, his mood the best it had been since the start of the holidays and saw his mother standing near an old book. The redhead smiled at her son, and Jamie reciprocated, stopping beside her. Lily looked at the boy and stroked his hair.

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