Chapter 19

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The sound of maniacal laughter filled my ears. I had dreamt everything, seeing Michael, being pregnant, and Brandon's death. I was still held captive. God only knew how long i had been here.

I was skin and bones at this point, i knew that if the abuse didn't kill me, I would end up starving to death.

I could barely get up to do anything anymore, my body was so weak and broken. I longed to see Michael, at least one last time before I died. I needed him to know how much I really loved him.

I had been down in the basement in the cold damp floor for what seemed like an eternity. Almost praying that I would just die so my pain would stop.

"Where is she Mr. James," I heard a deep male voice ask

"She isn't here," Brandon says

"We've tracked her phone signal to this location, so where is she?"

"I haven't seen her in months," he lies

I hear fighting happening above me, and eventually gunshots sounded. "Officer down," hear one of them yell followed by more shots. I hear a loud thud, followed by footprints. This is it. This is where I would die

"Alexis?" I hear a deep voice say

I slowly crawl to the door "in here," I say as loud as I can. The door opens and I see a police officer standing in the light

"Where are you sweetheart?"

I slowly crawl to him, eventually, he spots me and helps me upstairs. Once we enter into the living room, I see blood, an officer lying on the ground injured, and Brandon staring at me.

I'm carried outside and placed on a stretcher, as I'm being loaded into an ambulance, I see Michael pacing around. I could tell he had been crying.

"Michael," I say as loud as I can. He looks in the direction of the ambulance and runs toward me. As soon as he lays eyes on me, he breaks into tears

I use every bit of strength I have to pull him into a kiss. "I'm okay baby, I'm okay" I whisper

Michael sat in the ambulance with me and the moment we arrived at the hospital, he walked along beside the stretcher as they wheeled me in.

"It's gonna be okay Lex, you're safe now,"

"Michael, am I going to die?"

"Lex, don't think like that, you're safe, you're in the hospital, they're going to take care of you,"

They ran test after test, had me hooked up to many different monitors and machines, and had several IVs in my arms, I had only been here for a few hours, but Michael had never once left my side.

"Michael, you can go get yourself something to eat, I'm fine love,"

He shakes his head, "I went 6 weeks without you, I'm not leaving your side anytime soon,"

"Love you have to eat,"

"You didn't eat for 6 weeks," he points out

"I ate what little I could to survive, but I don't want you to starve yourself,"

"I'll be okay for tonight love, I want to focus solely on you,"

"Can you lay beside me?"

He nods and gently climbs into bed with me. Laying in his arms again felt incredible. "I'm so sorry Lexi, He's lucky I didn't see him.. I'd be locked up right now,"

"I don't know what happened, but I know he shot a cop and got shot in return. Hopefully the officer is okay, and hopefully Brandon is too,"

"That piece of shit deserves to die,"

"I want to see him get locked up for a long time, No chance of ever getting out. He can sit there and suffer like he made me do"

"You're way too nice, Lexi."

"No i want revenge,"

"Either way, He's going to get what's coming to him,"

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