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Hoseok returned to school a month later, Zelo quickly glued to his side

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Hoseok returned to school a month later, Zelo quickly glued to his side. 

"Hyung, what happened? Why won't you tell me?" He whined.

Hoseok smiled at him reassuringly, "I'm fine Z. I just had to heal and find out some things about myself, that's all."

Zelo pouted, "But hyung. I know when something is wrong. I can smell it..." Hoseok smiled and reassured him, only to flinch when the smell of an alpha reached him.

Hoseok cowered into Zelo's side, clutching his arm.

"It's okay hyung. He isn't even walking over here." Hoseok stood back up straight and looked at Zelo who was worried.

Hoseok pulled Zelo to the nearest bathroom.

"Remember that day you fell asleep in class?"

Zelo hummed to Hoseok's question as he looked through all the stalls for anyone before continuing. "I was in the restroom when Yoongi walked in. He pushed me back into my stall when someone walked in looking for him."

He stood at the sinks and mirrors, "It was an alpha. He told Yoongi to come out, but I guess he lost his patience and waited outside."

Hoseok blushed, remembering what happened. "Yoongi scented me and licked me."

Zelo gasped, but let Hoseok continue, "It made my head foggy and my knees weak, not to mention I popped a boner."

He leaned against a sink basin and sighed. "When I left the bathroom in embarrassment the alpha that was looking for him was there. He looked at me because I bumped into him. He smelled Yoongi on me and his eyes flashed red. He then grabbed me by my bicep and began pulling me, but I resisted him and I guess he wasn't used to that because he snapped my bicep in two."

Zelo gasped again, "What the fuck?!"

Hoseok shushed him as he smelled omegas entering the restroom.

His eyes couldn't understand what he was seeing as the bathroom lit up in color.

One looked really familiar, a bunny smile on his face as he walked in talking to another omega, who was also in color, he had a boxy grin on his face.

"Hyung," The bunny-smiled boy said, "Hmm?" The boxy grin omega hummed.

"He's- He's the one from the flower shop." He pointed out Hoseok who blushed and hid behind Zelo.

Both omegas went about their business and proceeded to leave all while maintaining eye contact with Hoseok.

Abruptly, one of them stopped, his phone ringing. "Yes, hyung?"

The bunny like one said into the phone, "Yoongi hyung said- what?"

He wrinkled his pretty eyebrows and nodded before bowing to Hoseok and leaving, the other guy on his heels.

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