Chapter 21

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It have been seven days since Abba passed away while in a counsel meeting with the royal councils. Amatullah really felt his death because she couldn't even open her mouth to speak talk more of eating,she also got admitted and the doctor informed them that she will be awake any moment,she woke up after a day. How will you feel when you hear the news of your grandfather's death from the media who are supposed to congratulate you and praise you for a great job. She collapsed after he was taken away.

Habiba on the other hand was more disturbed about what he wanted to tell her,a few months ago when she turned 18 he said something about wanting to speak to her about something very important but she didn't take it seriously until now that he's not alive. She might not be her grandfather's favorite but he was hers. She really loved him more than all her grandparents. She could remember those moments when her and Amatullah will go to the garden with him and and they will play on his laps until sunset.

Fahad couldn't be more grateful and thankful to him for setting him up with the best wife he can ever ask for, he enrolled her in a good school and she is really doing great. The only regret he have is not saying this out loud to his beloved grandfather before her passed away.

Abba's death didn't only affect his family members because Ablah also felt it,she could remember those moments in high school when she will follow Amatullah to spend a week or less in the palace,they will go to his chamber and he will tell them stories about the history of Nigeria or the kingdom and other folktales.

Tariq had his men search for the man who first informed Amatullah about Abba's death and he had him punished accordingly. He have been by Amatullah's side ever since and she still haven't uttered a word,she will only take water when she's thirsty and she only eats when she's being forced or blackmailed with her baby. She got discharged after a week and in the same week Baba magaji also Habiba and imran's father will be crowned king after he have resigned being a soldier,he retired as a brigadier general. The role of CEO was given to Amatullah's father and the president is ya Bilal and Fahad is his vice. Ummah also became crowned queen mother.


"I have seen it all,and it is soon time"the priest informed

"Time for what?"

"Munawarrah will come back,she will be back together with a shocking revelation"the voodoo replied

"Then stop her,her return means all our work will be a total waste of time and us being caught"the person who spoke earlier said.

"I know better but there is nothing more I can do to help you"the voodoo said with a mischievous smirk.

"I knew you were this useless since from the beginning"the other person spoke angrily.

"Leave before I force you to leave"the voodoo shouted angrily. They quietly stood up and walked out of the house.

"I knew this was going to happen"the first person spoke angrily.

"We can look for another malam"the other lady suggested.

They returned to Abuja the following day. Amatullah was starting to get better except for the fact that she have become more reserved. That same week Tariq received a call from Saudi telling him about munawarrah Assad's information. He planned on going to turkey alone but Amatullah insisted she come along, he couldn't stop her because she's her mother.

On the plane Amatullah watched Titanic for the first time and she couldn't stop crying,she kept crying until she fell asleep. They arrived at turkey a few minutes to five o'clock so they decided to stay at the hotel and then visit Amatullah's mum the following day.

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