Chapter 4

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It's been four months already and working in the company isn't as boring as she expected it to be. She was nice to the guys until one of them showed interest in her. Most of the times when she's being nice to guys and they start to act weird then she will also start to hate them, she don't know why but she hates it. And as for the ladies,there was a time one of them asked her why she didn't apply to serve in her family's company. Well they found out that she's an El Basheer from her name and who in Nigeria doesn't know that the El Basheer's have a business of their own.

Not to forget the fact that the manager who she taught was changed wasn't and she couldn't be more glad but who was that guy? She didn't ask nor see him again.

At the moment,as she sat on her sit she rembered about the pregnant lady she helped a few months ago.

She was in her car about to leave ShopRite when she heard a lady's mourn from the car next to hers,she wanted to ignore it but then she heard her yelp and grunt in pain. She quickly came out of her car then knocked on the window,the woman opened the door. The woman was heavily pregnant and from the looks of it she's in labor.

"Innanillahi"she mumbled as she kneeled next to her,she asked her what's wrong and the woman could only point on her phone that have fell off probably whilst trying to pick it. She used her face to unlock the Iphone 13 pro max.

"Who should I call"she asked.

"Biebie"she mumbled as the pain stopped.

"Sis I'm coming,I'm on my way"the person quickly said immediately after picking the call

"She's not the one,she's in labor"she replied and she could hear the other lady gasp before she ended the call.

"You"she half yelled as she looked at Amatullah. Amatullah couldn't recognize her, well she's not good with faces.

"Smoothie girl, Dubai"she said,it was only then that Amatu recognized her,the mean girl but then what is she doing here. There wasn't enough time to be asking questions.

"She's in pain"Amatu said pointing at the lady. They managed to move the lady to the back sit whilst Amatu sat with her,kausar drove them to the hospital. Kausar had to call home for a maid to bring the box which contains all the stuff they will be needing in the hospital. Amatullah left after the nurses announced that the lady have given birth to a baby boy. Kausar asked the driver to drop her in ShopRite where she left her car .


It was a Monday morning and Tariq have a meeting to attend with the El Basheers later in the afternoon. It's a meeting he have been looking forward to represent his dad,they have decided to have a joint business. The Tafida company LMT is a big company that works on its own,but it won't hurt having another partner right?

The deal will be sealed later in the afternoon and the CEOs of both companies couldn't make it so the presidents will handle it.

Later in the afternoon he got ready and headed to the meeting room where the meeting will be taking place,he was informed that the other party have already arrived,he know the man is old enough to be his father so he knew better than to let him wait.

They shook hands after the meeting was over.

"It's great doing business with you"he replied whilst the other person replied with a smile.


It's already been five months,it didn't surprise her when her parents told her to get ready that they will be leaving for bichi the following day. She have already given up getting a suitor and will just give in to who ever her grandfather suggest, well except her cousin Fahad.

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