Chapter 19

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There was a feeling of regret but they can't do anything especially now that the deed have already been done.

Aisha was Alhaji's personal assistant but with the help of a voodoo she found her way and became his wife. Aisha controlled Alhaji for years and he couldn't stop himself from bringing one of his kids to stay with her when one night she woke up crying about not having a child with him. Alhaji confronted Hajiya Sadiya with his decision and she asked him to take Juwairiyyah,she can't let Jalillah go since she is her first born,Tariq is her only male child and Kausar is the last born so Juwairiyyah is the perfect person. Juwairiyyah felt like her mother don't love her anymore and that is why she let her go so easily which lead her to depression. She became depressed at a tender age of 17. Aunty Aisha wasn't really expecting Alhaji to do what he did because she cried that night, she wanted him to ask her to bring back her daughter to the house but instead he brought his own daughter. Juwairiyyah started having sleepless nights and when Aunty Aisha found out she gave her pills,sleeping pills which will help her sleep. Alhaji on the other hand became violent for he will hit his children on the littlest things,he will also yell at hajiya Sadiya on the slightest mistakes all because of what Aisha did to him. Their once happy family became more like a graveyard because the children will do anything just to spend their time outside the house or travel to Katsina to see their grandparents.

Juwairiyyah on the other hand got addicted to the pills to the extent that she can't sleep without them. Gradually aunty Aisha started giving her drugs without her knowing what they are and when she did she refused to take it but she convinced her that it is not that harmful which she was too foolish to believe. She kept taking those drugs which made her grades fall so low in school,she became from the intelligent girl to the dumb girl. She wrote waec twice before she was able to go to the university. One day as she was about to go ask her stepmother for more drugs she heard her condemning her in front of her daughter who payed them a visit. She tried telling her dad and mum but her dad was already trapped in her stepmother's spell so he didn't listen to her and her mother is too distracted to give her a listening ear. Juwairiyyah ended up quitting drugs but she later found her way back to it.

Juwairiyyah cried her eyes balls out, she now believed what her stepmother said about her being useless because she have never been useful to anybody in her life.

Amatullah and Tariq left the following day in the evening after spending sometime with Juwairiyyah and it was only after they arrived home that he got the opportunity to give her a birthday gift,it is a simple yet expensive bracelet.

Alhaji Tahir and Hajiya Sadiya promised to make it up to Juwairiyyah and prove to her that she is not useless. They opened a catering and wedding planning business for Jalillah, they let Tariq handle the company by making him the president and they opened a restaurant for Kausar But why did they do to Juwairiyyah? Take her to a rehab and pretend to the world she never existed. They decided to make it up to her by providing her with the best life she will ever ask for.

The following week Amatullah decided to resume work and Tariq didn't say anything to stop her. If that will take her mind off what happened then so be it.

Ablah on the other hand met someone who she is starting to like but is not sure if he love her in the same way or if it is just brotherly love. She didn't tell Amatullah about him because she's scared things might not work out between them. After their breakup with Haydar, she have been a mess until she saw a message notification of her teenage crush on Instagram. It was like a dream because they started chatting from that day and even speak on the phone. She is now starting to love him but the problem is she don't know what to do if he don't see her in the same light. Ablah tried to regulate their chats and calls but it became very hard after seeing Haydar again in Amatullah's birthday.

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