Chapter 15

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"Alhamdulillah"Jalillah said giving Amatullah a very tight hug. The previous day Amatullah warned them not to tell anybody about her test since they are not sure about it,three of the kits read positive and two read negative. Amatullah don't know when the tears rolled down her eyes,they are no ordinary tears,they are tears of joy.

"How many months?"adda jalillah asked

"One month"she replied.

They were on their way back home when Tariq called Amatullah asking her to return home immediately,since they are already near his parent's they decided to go there and then she can leave alone in her car.

"Amatullah you're savage,you are the talk of Instagram I mean almost every blog I follow posted you"Ablah informed running to show her.

"I have to leave now,Tariq is waiting for me"she said walking into adda's room to grab her things.

"The tailor brought the cloths too,why don't you go with yours"adda said handing her her bag.

The drive from her inlaw's to her's is a fifteen minute drive but it took her 18 minutes. First because of the new revelation and second because of the traffic light which is not working in her favor.

"What's it"she asked walking into the room

"Pack your bags we're traveling"he informed as if he's not the man who will be getting married tomorrow.

"Why and to where?"she asked.

"We have a hajj to perform and an unfulfilled honeymoon"he replied in the same tone he spoke earlier.

"What about your nikkah tomorrow?"she asked

"I'm not getting married,and don't ask me why"he said closing his luggage.

"I'm not going anywhere"she said sitting on the bed and crossing her legs.

"Our flight leaves in two hours...forty four minutes"he completed after looking at his watch. "Meet me in fourteen minutes else I'll leave without you"he said before walking out. Amatullah don't know what to do,should she follow him or just stay here. If she have to follow him then everybody will think she changed his mind on getting married and if she stays then they will insult her and still blame her so she settled for the former. She prayed magrib first which was called when she was on her way before she packed her clothes. Packing wasn't that hard since she know where everything is.

"Let's go"she said opening the back sit where Tariq sat.

"I gave you an extra six minutes"he said

"Drive fast"he informed the driver.

"Here"Tariq passes her her passport and visa.

"I almost forgot that you need a password and visa to travel"

"Your phone"Tariq asked and she silently gave him. He then put it on flight mode before keeping it in his jacket pocket.

They arrived at the airport a few minutes to eight and they quickly took their luggage and walked in. It took them an hour to finish with the clearance and all other things. They boarded the plane and it took off some minutes after.

"And now I'm stuck in this dress"Amatullah complained.

"There is a loo you can change it"Tariq suggested.

"Nah I'm good,it's only about four hours and some minutes"

"Then have fun staying in this"

Their flight landed in Jeddah,Saudi Arabia a few minutes to five in the morning(Saudi time),the pilot wished them luck with their ibadah and he also informed them that the moon have been sighted . They quickly took a cab and headed to a hotel. Amatullah noticed that Tariq have been wearing his mask since from Kano,he only removed it in the plane and then wore it back immediately when they were about to get off. She knew he was doing that because he don't want to be seen and that only means that nobody in Nigeria know about their trip.

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