Chapter 11

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Just as Tariq planned they arrived at bichi on the 29 just like most of the other family members but then the sultan of sokoto announced that Eid will be next tomorrow which is a Thursday. Amatullah felt like flying to sokoto and slapping the sultan for saying that but then she don't have wings nor the courage to do that so she stayed in room that is in ummah's chamber hoping that she will hear someone shouting that it's a mistake. Now instead of spending three days in bichi,they have to spend four. She have long forgotten about her bad dreams but now that she is in bichi her fear came back afresh. She won't be going to the hawa ground because 'she's now big and married',well that's what everyone keeps saying but she wished she can cos maybe,just maybe she can see the old lady that gave her that ring and she can give her another one.

She refused to speak to Tariq because of what he did to her, making her come to bichi even tho she didn't want to.

She was about to go to sleep when her phone pinged notifying a message.

"Can I see you now?"Tariq asked

"Nope"she replied

"Please,it's really important"he texted again.

"Okay,where?"she asked

"The garden"he replied

She didn't bother changing clothes instead she only wore a long hijab and made her way to the garden. She was surprised when she reached there because it was empty.

"Where are you?"she texted Tariq but then there was no reply.

Just then she heard someone moaning. She made her way towards the direction and what she saw made her stop immediately with her legs trembling.

"Stop"she shouted.


"Someone is here to see you"a lady said to her as she walked into the room which is occupied by twelve people.

"Who?"she asked because who ever it is can never be her family member,well they didn't come to visit her in the first few months of her stay here so they definitely won't come now that she have stayed for more than a year.

"Go and see for yourself" the woman barked. They get treated like trash here and when they complain they will say "you should have known better than taking drugs". She followed behind her as she walked her towards where the so called visitor is.

"Juwairiyyah"the young man said in a soft tone.

"Al Amin"she called surprised,Al Amin will be the last person she's expecting to see and then her family members are next.

"What are you doing here"she asked immediately after the lady from earlier have left.

"I kinda missed you"he said

"Huh,missed me?"she asked pointing at herself. Can this day get any better.

"Yes,I came back from the states a month ago and I heard what have happened to you"he explained.

"No you didn't,how did you find me?"She asked

"I was told that you are in the rehab and so I started my search,I knew your dad won't take you to a popular rehab and that's why I made my search and it lead me here"he said

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