Chapter 13

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"WHAT" both Tariq, Amatullah and Kausar shouted at the same time.

"I said I want Tariq to marry Basma"she repeated.

"That rude girl mum,you're better than this"Kausar said. She find Amatullah annoying but Basma is way more annoying than Amatu.

"You don't have to tell me what to do"she scolded

"But why do I have to marry her mum,what both of us have is over"Tariq spoke for the first time.

"Amatullah was your fathers choice and Basma is my own choice"she said coldly

"I'm not some sort of machine mum,first it was dad and now you. I don't have an intention of polygamy because I still have a bad memory of it and you should be the last person to suggest that"he sighed

"I'm done talking"

Amatullah was speechless,she wish she didn't come along because hearing it from him would have been better than to hear his mum say it by herself. Amatullah cried her eye balls out that night until the pain in her heart was to the minimal. She wished Tariq will walk in and tell her that it is all a prank and they will both laugh but that is something that will never happen.

Mum made sure she forced Tariq to speak to his dad about the marriage stuff after they went back to Abuja. He have tried reporting to adda Jalilah but she didn't have any of what she said for she have made up her mind. He had no other choice than to speak to his dad. Amatullah on other hand is something else,she have been acting weird and whenever he brings the topic of his marriage she either walks away or changes the topic.

He had no other choice than to speak to his father about it.

"Dad I want to get married again"he informed bowing his head low.

"Married again? It's barely a year since you got married" his dad reminded him in case he have forgotten.

"I know dad but Amatullah was your choice"he reminded him also

"I won't be happy if someone does that to my daughter so I won't let you do that to someone else's daughter"

"But Alhaji,this boy is matured enough and he also have all the resources for two wives,he is also doing a good thing by copying the sunnah of the prophet"Hajiya Sadiya chirped in.

"Who is the girl you want to marry"he asked

"Basma,Aunty Hauwa's daughter"Tariq replied

"Now I get where this is coming from,you want him to marry her because I'm sure she's not his choice"Alhaji said shocked. "Since I chose Amatullah for him you decided to hook him up with your own choice too right?"Alhaji yelled at her.

"No dad it's not about mum,the girl have been sick and it is all because of me...please don't talk to mum like that"Tariq spoke up. It have been years since he saw his dad yell at his mum in front of them and he don't want that to happen now because of him.

"I will think about it"he said leaving the room for them.

"I'll take my leave now"he said but his mum didn't say anything,she was still shocked from what happened earlier and at that moment Amatullah became Aisha to her. She felt a strong dislike towards her.

"Mum and dad asked me to extend their greetings to you" he lied trying to find a way to speak to her.

"Oh you did well trying to tell me that you've spoken to dad about getting married again and he agreed"she said annoyed.

"That's not it ama,you're misunderstanding this whole situation"he tried calming her down.

"You're not the one whose mother in-law asked her husband to get married again in front of her,how will you react if you were me?"she asked

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