Chapter 14

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Amatullah walked majestically to where the bride and groom sat. The mc handed her a mic which she collected without hesitation.

"One of the bride's friends should come out and take the mic"the mc said. A few minutes later a girl walked out. The mc then gave her the mic.

"How much are you requesting"she asked referring to the friend.

"Two million naira only"the friend said with a smirk on her face. They know the grooms friends can pay that amount of money but definitely not her especially if she's the only one.

"Uwar gida you can now bargain"the mc said hurting her ego even more.

"Should I bargain?"she chuckled

"Yes you can bargain"the bride's friends chorused together.

"Then I'm scared but my bargain is three million naira"she was glad Ablah told her about their plan to embarrass her and the amount they will seek so she came loaded. "And a set of gold jewelry, with three alkyabbas" she added.

"Bring the gifts in"she said through the mic and almost immediately two royal maids walk in,one with a bag and the other one with a jewelry box which was placed on the alkyabbas.

"Toh here is the gifts"she replied with a smile as the maids stood beside her. "Drop it there"she asked them to drop it in front of the bride. When the bride's friends are about to open the bag Amatullah quickly stopped them.

"Baa duba kautan gidan sarauta a baiyane (it is not allowed to check gifts given by a royal in their presence),don't forget I'm a princess"she bragged.

"Amarya tana godia"the mc said.

"There is no need for that,but just in case of next time Amarya and her friends should know that Uwargida Zuciyar mijinta(her husband's heart) doesn't bargain she only adds to the price instead"and with that the masu kalangu started with their own. They hyped and hyped and hyped her until she gave them three bundles of one thousand naira notes. She also gave the mc one bundle and then the other one she gave it to the dj then asked him to play a song so that she and the bride will dance.

"Arghhhhhh"Basma screamed immediately after she have reached the comfort of her room

"She really ruined my wedding,she came prepared"one of her friends said.

"And it is because I told her"Ablah confessed

"You bitch why did you do that"the girl who spoke earlier asked

"Call me names,call me what ever you want but if you might excuse me haydar is waiting for me outside because I have a best friend to praise for a job well done and don't forget it is over hype that killed 2020 and over confidence that made February never complete"and with a very loud and annoying laugh,she walked out with her bag in hand.

"She's her best friend?"Basma asked surprised.

"No you didn't do that"Amatullah laughed after Ablah told her about what happened between her and her soon to be Amarya.

"And where did that come from...There is no need for that,but just in case of next time Amarya and her friends should know that Uwargida Zuciyar mijinta doesn't bargain she only adds to the price"Ablah mimicked the way she said it.

"Can you please stop talking of that,I really want to eat suya"Ablah have been repeating that sentence ever since she arrived.

"Call Tariq and tell him and if you don't mind me saying then the kai lefe is tomorrow"she said as she sip the Fanta that is in the mug she's holding.

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