Chapter 5

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It was just two months ago when his father called him and told him that he want him to marry his friend's daughter,at first he don't know which of his friends until he told him. His father didn't hide anything to him about her health problem,he wasn't surprised because such is bound to happen in a royal home but then having a jinn marry her is totally inhuman. He agreed despite the fact that he's not ready for marriage,he can't say no to his father. His mother was also very happy because she have been looking forward to this day,Adda Jalilah too but as for kausar he's not sure if she's happy or not,she keeps telling him to call off the wedding if he's not ready,he believes that she's trying to watch out for him and as for Juwairiyah she's in the rehab. And hell broke loose when Kausar found out that her brother's soon to be wife is the same girl that bumped into her a few years ago in Dubai, the fact that she helped her sister won't let her forgive her plus she couldn't even apologize.

It's already two days to the wedding,they have arrived at Kano a week ago and today he is to travel to bichi,his soon to be bride's grandfather wants to meet him again and he also want him to meet his bride. She might not know who he is but he know who she is and everything about her,even stuff that she don't know about herself. He have been postponing meeting her on purpose,he want her to find out that he is her groom at the last minute,if possible after the wedding.

He was on his way when he saw a lady running and after driving for about two minutes again he saw one of the palace guard running after her,at first he taught she's not the one but seeing a guard running after her means she's the one. He turned his car and only parked in front of her.

"Hop in"he commanded but she was too scared to notice that.

"Thank you,just take me to the station I have enough money on me"she said after hopping in. She have seen his face before getting into his car and she know that Mr manager won't hurt her.

"Why are you running,what happened?"he asked

"I'll be getting married in two days,I'm running because I don't want to get married"she can't hide this from him especially since he helped her.

"You don't want to marry that handsome president?" he asked

"I heard he's handsome,rich and all but a few people said he's arrogant too,his ego is bigger than this country sef"she added

"Really?,so he's this bad?"he asked trying to hide his laughter

"Yes,heard that he don't even smile,he's always yelling at his workers for the slightest mistake,oh ni Amatu na shiga uku"she kept ranting. She was too engrossed in telling him about the CEO's son that she didn't realize where he brought her,it was after he turned off the car that she realized it.

"Youuuuu"she yelled with an accusing finger after seeing that he have parked in front of ummah's chamber.

"Let's go"she didn't leave the car even after he have dropped and turned to open her door.

"Let's go"he said after opening the door. She could see Fahad looking at them but she ignored him.

She couldn't run away especially now that the enemys' eyes are on her. She hopped out and followed his lead.

As they neared the entrance to the chamber she felt her head start to ache,it felt like splitting. She couldn't even move her limbs even when she heard Ablah ranting about her leaving them. The voices started to sound distant and then she slumped and fell down but luckily enough Tariq was near so he held her thereby stopping her from falling down. She was moved into the chamber by him and then the doors closed behind them,it was an order from ummah herself that nobody will come into the chamber and she had all the rest leave. Rumors are more likely to spread especially now that there are a lot of people present for the wedding.

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