Chapter 16

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The next day, Gail, Lester, and Mark were all looking at each other especially when they saw how their Doc Lea threw everything Wacky gave her. They knew something was off between the two.

Lea walked passing by Wacky. The residents have no choice but to follow her and look at their doc Wacky with pity. They were all silent during the walk.

Not until...

"Hello po, doc Marvs? One female ER-resident here is uncontrollable. We already told her that the patient is DNR but she insists to perform resuscitation."

Lea was passing in front of the nurse at that time.

"Doc Lea, favor naman po. Yung isang resident po sa room 256 e ayaw pong tumigil magbigay ng resuscitation."

She raised her eyebrows. "What is exactly the problem there?"

"The family signed a DNR."

"Oh shit!" She cussed while running towards the room. Her residents followed.

Upon entering, she immediately saw who was performing the CPR.

"Doc Karina, please step back." Lea calmly said but she was not listening.

"Doctor Karina, the family signed a DNR!" Her voice is already becoming loud.

"I don't care!"

Lea had no choice but to forcefully grab her by the arms and pull her. After doing so, she received a slap from Karina.

Everyone was shocked including Lea. By the time that happened, Wacky was passing by that room. What a coincidence.

He immediately responded and stopped Karina when she was about to give Lea another slap.

Lea was holding her face, which is turning red because of the impact. She wasn't able to speak for a second because she's literally feeling numb on that side of her cheeks.

"Why do you always have to interfere with everything I do?" Karina shouted at her. Along with the noise coming from her mouth is also the noise coming from the beeping sound of the patient's machine.

When Lea recovered, she faced Karina. "Had I not interfered, all of us might be jobless by now. How can you be a doctor when you don't know simple rules and laws?"

Karina laughed sarcastically while removing Wacky's grip from her arms. "Here you are again, feeling bright. Who do you think you are?"

"I am not bright. I am brilliant. And are you really asking me who am I? Well, let's start with me being your senior."

"You're just a stupid doctor here. Me? I am the niece of the hospital president here so you better know where is your place."

"Ah! That explains why you're acting all bossy and careless inside this hospital." Lea smiled while nodding. "If you haven't actually introduced yourself, I wouldn't know who you are. The hospital president kasi never mentioned your name. He must not be proud of you because of your incompetence and stupidity." Everyone who heard Lea was surprised. She is not being unprofessional today; she is just being a fighter.

"How dare yo—" Karina was about to slap her again when Lea slapped her first. It wasn't a gentle slap, it was a slap of the truth.

"Lea!" Wacky called her name as a warning and because of shock.

"Do you really think I will let you touch my face again?" Her voice is almost raising, too. Everyone who is witnessing this is feeling scared because this is their first time seeing Lea get really mad.

She faced Wacky. "And you, didn't I tell you about having no right to call me by my name? Why are you even here? I don't need your saving grace because I can save myself." She exhaled and brushed her hair.

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